
Latest version: v2.3.0

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This updates adds the following new feature:

- `trueupdate -b` or ` trueupdate --backup` backup the complete Apps system prior to updates

This makes a backup from the complete Apps system using the integrated (hidden) backup feature in TrueNAS SCALE.


This update adds the following new option:
- `trueupdate -a` or ` trueupdate --all` updates both active (running) and non-active (stuck or stopped) Apps

This can be enabled if you also want to update apps that are not running, or stuck.
However: stopped apps will be started automatically after the update is finished!


This release adds the `-p` option, that automatically prunes the docker images after the updates are finished.
This ensures the system performance of TrueNAS SCALE slows down less over time, due to docker-related datasets piling up.


This version reworks the options available as follows:

- `trueupdate --catalog CATALOGNAME` where CATALOGNAME is the name of the catalog you want to process in caps
- `trueupdate --versioning SCHEME` where SCHEME is the highest semver version you want to process. options: `patch`, `minor` and `major`

It also adds a new option to sync the catalogs before running auto update:
- `trueupdate -s` or ` trueupdate --sync` to sync the catalogs before running auto-update

And, as a cherry on top, we added a integrated help page as well:
- `trueupdate -h` for the CLI help page



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