Improvements ============ * Add channel to output for clients-calls with target-channel (--cid or --near) (12bee70) * Output of clients: one client per line, disable with --oneline (3bd8689)
Fixes ===== * Syntax error in Python 2 (14d56a4) * channelinfo for top-level channels (3c44ce3)
Additions ======= * Add servercreate and serverdelete command (88e8a89) * Allow setting host, port, user and pw by envvar (7c91099)
Additions ========= * New --show-query flag for clients-command (527515d) * Add microphone/speaker status to clientinfo (bd0a9d6)
Fixes ===== * Remove newline after channelinfo-output (84aa132)
Internal ======== * Add encoding-header to remaining py-files (cc518bb)
Features ======== * Highlight offline virtual servers in `server` (3f44b7d) * Add `--hide-offline` flag (287b43b) to `server`
Features ======== * complaints, complaintdell and complaintdelall command (f3b0ec2, 59c96ea, b45cddb)
Improvements ============ * Channel parents are now displayed in channelinfo (aaafe4d)
Internal ====== * Python 2 compatibility by converting format-strings to unicode (6edb87272aa376333c7890ecd27e5353a02da29f)