New Features
- added functionality to support inputs with static/ observed (time-dependent) features
- added functionality to support inputs with categorical/ continuous features
- added functionality to apply patches to time series models
- Added `MultiRocket`/ `MultiRocketPlus` architectures
- added `TSSelfDropout` ([790](
- added `get_feat_idxs` to calculate multimodal indices ([789](
- remaining features assigned to o_cont_idxs by default ([788](
- added patch encoder to `MultiInputWrapper` ([787](
- added `TSTargetEncoder` transform ([769](
- added `TSRobustScaler` to tfm pipelines ([763](
- added new tfms - `TSDropIfTrueCols` and ApplyFunc ([760](
- tensor slices in different devices when using `TensorSplitter` ([799](
Bugs Squashed
- mixed augmentations (`MixUp1d`, `CutMix1d`,..) are not updating labels ([791](
- `get_UCR_data` function fails due to changed download link ([785](
- error when using `TSSelectColumns` due to pandas df slicing ([762](
- short arrays create issues when running `get_usable_idxs` ([761](
- `get_X_pred` creates different probablities when using numpy array or torch tensor ([754](
- `partial_n` is applied to all datasets by default ([748](
- `get_best_dls_params` function still prints output when the verbose parameter is set to false ([737](
- using xresnet for vision classification raises an error ([728](