What's Changed
* Only run "Upload to PyPi" steps if running as tsdat by maxwellevin in https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/pull/19
* README.md updates by maxwellevin in https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/pull/20
* Add issue templates by maxwellevin in https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/pull/21
* Make `IngestPipeline` return the output dataset by maxwellevin in https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/pull/23
* Fix global marine ingest tutorial by maxwellevin in https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/pull/27
* Allow 'time' to be scalar by maxwellevin and jmcvey3 in https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/pull/36
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tsdat/tsdat/compare/v0.2.10...v0.2.11