
Latest version: v0.68.2

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* BREAKING CHANGE: Pandas v2.0+ is required and ``pd.options.mode.copy_on_write`` is set to true.
* BREAKING CHANGE: Index of ``daily_closing_price`` is now set to normalized form of datetime (not including time, just date). A ``datetime`` column added which includes the last transaction time.


* BREAKING CHANGE: ``tsetmc`` will now manage the session internally. There is no need to manually create a session anymore. ``tsetmc.Session`` and ``tsetmc.SESSION`` have been removed.


* ``MarketWatch.start`` will now retry ``market_watch_init`` upon failure.
* New public class: ``tsetmc.dataset.LazyDS``.


* BREAKING CHANGE: ``market_watch`` will now use ``string`` as the dtype for ``ins_code`` index.
* BREAKING CHANGE: ``market_state`` dict will now always include ``tse_value`` and ``tse_index_change_percent`` keys. The value will be ``None`` if not available.
* BREAKING CHANGE: Use ``ins_code`` as the index for ``price`` and ``new_prices`` DataFrames in ``market_watch_init`` and ``market_watch_plus``. Previously, the index was a MultiIndex of ``['ins_code', 'isin', 'l18', 'l30']``.
* BREAKING CHANGE: ``share_holder_id`` parameter of ``share_holder_companies`` is now positional-only.
* Fixed a bug in parsing ``market_state`` during pre-market.
* Updated dataset


* BREAKING CHANGE: ``Instrument.related_companies`` now adds an ``instrument.`` prefix to instrument related column names.
* Added new function: ``general.related_companies``
* Added a new module: ``indices``
* Add type hints for ``Instrument.info``
* Updated dataset


* BREAKING CHANGE: ``Instrument.share_holder_history`` now returns a ``DataFrame`` instead of a list.

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