* `dtw_barycenter_averaging` is made faster by using vectorized computations
* `dtw_barycenter_averaging` can be restarted several times to reach better
local optima using a parameter `n_init` set to 1 by default
* Functions `load_timeseries_txt` and `save_timeseries_txt` from the utils
module have changed their names to `load_time_series_txt` and
`save_time_series_txt`. Old names can still be used but considered deprecated
and removed from the public API documentation for the sake of harmonization
* Default value for the maximum number of iterations to train `ShapeletModel`
and `SerializableShapeletModel` is now set to 10,000 (used to be 100)
* `TimeSeriesScalerMeanVariance` and `TimeSeriesScalerMinMax` now ignore any
NaNs when calling their respective `transform` methods in order to better
mirror scikit-learn's handling of missing data in preprocessing.
* `KNeighborsTimeSeries` now accepts variable-length time series as inputs
when used with metrics that can deal with it (eg. DTW)
* When constrained DTW is used, if the name of the constraint is not given but
its parameter is set, that is now considered sufficient to identify the
* `KNeighborsTimeSeriesRegressor` is a new regressor based on
k-nearest-neighbors that accepts the same metrics as
* A `set_weights` method is added to the `ShapeletModel` and
`SerializableShapeletModel` estimators
* `subsequence_path` and `subsequence_cost_matrix` are now part of the public
API and properly documented as such with an example use case in which more than
one path could be of interest (cf. ``)
* `verbose` levels can be set for all functions / classes that use `joblib`
for parallel computations and `joblib` levels are used;
* conversion functions are provided in the `utils` module to interact with
other Python time series packages (`pyts`, `sktime`, `cesium`, `seglearn`,
`tsfresh`, `stumpy`, `pyflux`)
* `dtw_barycenter_averaging_subgradient` is now available to compute DTW
barycenter based on subgradient descent
* `dtw_limited_warping_length` is provided as a way to compute DTW under upper
bound constraint on warping path length
* `BaseModelPackage` is a base class for serializing models to hdf5, json and
pickle. h5py is added to requirements for hdf5 support.
* `BaseModelPackage` is used to add serialization functionality to the
following models: `GlobalAlignmentKernelKMeans`, `TimeSeriesKMeans`,
`KShape`, `KNeighborsTimeSeries`, `KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier`,
`PiecewiseAggregateApproximation`, `SymbolicAggregateApproximation`,
and `OneD_SymbolicAggregateApproximation`