What's Changed
Lots of updates and bug fixes.
* Changed the default button binding to use return instead of space (tkinter uses 'space' out-of-the-box to activate a button) by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/262
* Add scrollbinding to all scrolled descendants; this enables scrolling on nested widget containers by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/263
* Replaced deprecated resampling method for image resizing by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/264
* Added disabled check, toggle, radio button styles so that the button selection is obvious even when disabled by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/266
* Standardized Messagebox alert parameter which was on some methods, but not others; it is now on all static Messagebox methods by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/268
* Initial color now sets the form values in the ColorChooserDialog by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/269
* Multiple Window instances and deleting a window and recreating will no longer crash the program; I added the master argument to the PhotoImage creation to bind the default icon to the instance by israel-dryer in https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/pull/270
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/israel-dryer/ttkbootstrap/compare/v1.7.4...v1.7.5