
Latest version: v0.17

Safety actively analyzes 707283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released 2024-12-13

Bug fixes:

- DocStrings and __signature__ metadata has been reworked. This fixes missing
DocStrings and correctly attempts to tunnel signatures to Python clients.



Released 2024-09-13

- Adds "--validate" to tuberd invocation, which checks served data against a
jsonschema. This is intended as a developer aid, NOT as a security feature
(since it's only server-side, and not default!)

- Synchronous (SimpleTuberObject) and asynchronous (TuberObject) APIs are
brought together using requests-futures package, and tested alongside each

- Server hotpath is now partly Python - this has very little performance cost
and is much more maintainable.

- Libfmt dependency removed.

- Server-side container API added (allowing objects to host other objects)



Released 2024-08-20

- Fix enum class serialization. The str_enum helper now produces enum.Enum()
classes in Python that are also str() subclasses. For all 3 serializers we
use (json, orjson, cbor2) this is enough to correctly serialize enum classes.



Released 2024-08-08

- CI/CD improvements: builds wheels for manylinux and OS X



Released 2024-05-29

- A "simple" (non-asyncio) client now lives alongside the asyncio client. The
points of entry for these are "resolve" and "resolve_simple". They are
approximately API-compatible, but the non-asyncio version entirely avoids
async code style (async def / await / ...).

- Multiple calls (using a Context or SimpleContext) can now optionally continue
after errors, using the continue_on_error flag. When this is True, all calls
in a Context/SimpleContext run to completion even if some of them fail.
The default behaviour remains the same - when continue_on_error is False,
server-side execution proceeds in sequence and halts at the first call that
encounters an error.



Released 2024-04-22

- Headers are now properly included in binary builds (.whl files)
- Corrected PYTHONPATH for "make test"; broken in 0.11.

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