- Regression testing
- Added script to generate regression datasets from several configuration files.
- Added test functions to verify that the code gives the same outcome as the regression files.
- Added one regression case for each loss model.
- Add functionality to save geometry to 'results' dictionary.
- Added functionality to export geometry to Excel file.
- Converted the results["overall"] from dictionary into pandas dataframe.
- Added more critical variables to the "cascade" dataframe (d_crit, w_crit, p_crit, beta_crit)
- Added 'area' and 'radius' arguments to the `evaluate_exit()` function. The area and radius can be different for the exit and for the throat sections if the annulus shape is not constant. The position of the throat (and therefore its area and radius) are specified by the geometric parameter 'throat_location_fraction'.
- WARNING! The option above is giving convergence problems when 'throat_location_fraction'=/=1 (that is, when the throat geometry is not exactly equal to the exit geometry). We have to investigate and solve this problem.
- Fix error in `geometry.calculate_throat_radius()` function.
- Add option to not export results to Excel on `performance_analysis()` function
- Improve fnctionality in `plot_functions.py`
- Clean up code
- Add function to save in multiple formats
- Add `utilities.extract_timestamp(filename)` function to extract the time stamp from exported files
- Improve `plot_kofskey1972_1stage.py`
- Fix spelling mistake in `run_tests.py`