
Latest version: v19.0.0

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- [Improvement] Added CORS for embeded Dashboards. (by Fahadkhalid210)

- [Bugfix] Fix legacy warnings during Docker build. (by regisb)

- [Improvement] Auto import course structure to clickhouse on course publish by parsing CMS logs. (by Danyal-Faheem)

- [Feature] Upgrade Clickhouse base image to (by Danyal-Faheem)

- [Deprecation] Drop support for python 3.8 as it has reached end of life. (by Danyal-Faheem)

- 💥[Improvement] Rename Tutor's two branches (by DawoudSheraz):
* Rename **master** to **release**, as this branch runs the latest official Open edX release tag.
* Rename **nightly** to **main**, as this branch runs the Open edX master branches, which are the basis for the next Open edX release.

- 💥[Feature] Upgrade to Sumac. (by Danyal-Faheem)

<a id='changelog-18.0.0'></a>


- 💥[Feature] Upgrade to Redwood. (by Fahadkhalid210)
- [Bugfix] Make plugin compatible with Python 3.12 by removing dependency on `pkg_resources`. (by regisb)
- [Improvement] Update User Activity dataset query by extending time span to 120 seconds and selecting all events where course ID is not null to improve average time spent in course. (by Fahadkhalid210)
- [Improvement] Added CORS for embedded Dashboards. (by Fahadkhalid210)
- 💥[Feature] Upgrade Clickhouse to version and fix query issues due to deprecation of live views. (by Fahadkhalid210)

<a id='changelog-17.1.0'></a>


- 💥[Improvement] Convert `events.user_id` and `video_events.user_id` fields from Int64 to UInt64. (by FahadKhalid210)
- 💥[[Bugfix] Fix the security context for Vector to ensure it works correctly on Kubernetes. Note that the Vector container will now run in privileged mode. (by FahadKhalid210)

<a id='changelog-17.0.0'></a>


- 💥[Feature] Upgrade to Quince. (by Fahadkhalid210)
- 💥[Improvement] Convert the `course_blocks.graded` field from String to Boolean. (by regisb)
- 💥[Improvement] Superset auto_sync roles updated. (by FahadKhalid210)
- [Improvement] Added Typing to code, Makefile and test action to the repository and formatted code with Black and isort. (by CodeWithEmad)

<a id='changelog-16.0.3'></a>


- [Bugfix] Fix "Error: invalid_request Mismatching redirect URI" - ensure superset respects X-Forwarded-For/X-Forwarded-Proto headers set by Caddy. This effectively fixes running Cairn on HTTPS without a 3rd-party web proxy. (by ravikhetani)

<a id='changelog-16.0.2'></a>


- [Bugfix] Fix "cannot list resource 'pods'" on Kubernetes. (by regisb)
- [Bugfix] Fix superset database name in user creation with `do cairn-createuser`. (by regisb)
- [Improvement] Users will now have the access to graded field in course_blocks table with this change which indicates if course unit is graded or not. (by Faraz32123)

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