* PyPI 0.2.0 * Add support for Tuya protocols 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 devices
* PyPI 0.1.0 * Added support for multi-switch devices * Update to use tinytuya in Docker by stevoh6 in 16 * Added err variable to output by gamuama in 23
* Bug fix in deviceRaw() not honoring timeout settings * Set sw response variable to False as default
* deviceInfo() - Added better error handling for devices without expect outlet/power data in their dps response. * deviceRaw() - Added new function to return raw device data response. * test.py & plugpower.py - Updated to add device raw data to output.
* Added support to use tinytuya, replacing pytuya: * dds support for Device IDs that are 22 characters long (pytuya only supports 20) * Removed misleading productKey (product SKU identity, not local Key) from scan() output * Attempts to import tinytuya but falls back to pytuya if unavailable
* Added option to allow users to specify maximum retries for scan functions:
bash specify 50 retries via command line python3 -m tuyapower 50