- Support overriding fields in subclasses of a `Form` - Support for formencode validators in `CompoundValidator`
- Fix loading of templates on some systems where system encoding is not UTF8 (templates are always loaded as utf8)
- Fix support for Python3.8 removing `cgi.escape` - Fix deprecated support for absolute paths in `resource_filename`
- New Documentation
- Added english transation, so that the gettext translator finds it and prefers english when multiple languages are involved and english is the favourite one. - Fixed an issue with i18n translator on Python3
- Templating now uses render_unicode to render mako templates and avoid unicode dance `ecc33fc <https://github.com/toscawidgets/tw2.core/commit/ecc33fc211b904c5aa0c88647245d37fe8cd7338>`_ - Avoid modifying validation messages dict while iterating on it `66c7e3d <https://github.com/toscawidgets/tw2.core/commit/66c7e3d8d0bcae6fe6d55bd5144c7991e02fe654>`_ - Fix Genshi relative imports when running test suite on top directory