
Latest version: v4.2.0

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**Changes and Fixes:**
* Fixed chat conversion erroring out if chat logs could not be grabbed.
* Fixed request timeouts causing vod downloader to error out rather than retry.
* Fixed an issue when using the '--no-stream' argument due to missing channel data ( - Thanks smeinecke).
* Updated chat archiver to support new Twitch API.
* Fixed an issue with GitHub version checker.
* Added missing SQL escape and cleanup ( - Thanks koroban).
* Fixed an issue with VODs containing muted segments not downloading, and added method for ignoring muted segments which are identified as corrupt when converting the vod file ( - Thanks koroban for finding this).
* Added channel name to pushbullet notifications.
* Improved logging for FFmpeg VOD conversion.
* Moved extra README info to GitHub wiki.


* Added issue templates.
* Added ability to show the current configuration.
* Added the ability to archive streams which aren't being saved by Twitch.
* Added support for providing URLs as arguments for the vods or channels to grab.
* Added an argument (--stream-only) for only grabbing currently live streams.
* When downloading channels, missing formats (video / chat) will now be grabbed on subsequent runs of TA.
* Added documentation for running TA as a systemd service.

**Changes and Fixes:**
* Improved corrupt segment error logging.
* Added and updated various docstrings.
* Increased maximum allowed invalid segments when downloading streams.
* Sanitized credentials in debug logs.
* Added incremental database upgrading.
* Updated database schema (Version 2 -> 3 -> 4).
* Added the ability to update database vod entries.
* Fixed rate limiter for vod part grabber.
* Improved message for streams with unsupported part length.
* Fixed an issue with downloading the final stream segment(s).
* Fixed an issue if the user specified an invalid resolution.
* Fixed an issue with incorrect timestamps being used and stored.
* Fixed an issue with failed segments being marked as completed.
* Fixed an issue where incorrect timestamps were being used to measure time since vods were created, causing new vods to error out as they were not yet available.
* Fixed an issue where TA would randomly freeze when fetching data due to lack of request timeouts.
* Minor formatting changes.


**Changes and Fixes:**
* Fixed an issue where the same segment would increment the bad segment counter repeatedly.
* Rewrote stream downloader to resolve rare VOD corruption issues.


* TA can now be launched in 'watch' mode, checking for new streams/vods for a specified channel every 10 seconds.

**Changes and Fixes:**
* Fixed stream downloader loop missing parts if the processing time and wait period exceeded the time vod parts were advertised by Twitch.
* Streams with variable length segments will only be downloaded via the VOD downloader as the stream downloader cannot combine them reliably.
* Added typing to some arguments.


For the past few ~~weeks~~ months I've been working to completely refactor the code as the original v1.0 was built when I was just beginning to understand Python - this lead to various issues with code standardization, cleanliness and the foundational logic of the code which made it increasingly difficult to track down bugs and add new features.

And so I've created version 2.0, following better guidelines, formatting and vastly improving the cleanliness and readability of the code. This isn't to say it's perfect, I am still learning and open to any feedback.

With all that said, I've tried to test this code as much as possible - but with the amount of changes and additions there still may be bugs.

A quick note for anyone who used any of the beta releases, many things have changed during the course of development, and I would strongly recommend re-downloading any VODs downloaded with these beta versions as they may be incomplete or contain errors.

**What's new:**
* New video and chat download methods:
* Improved speed and reliability.
* Better error handling.
* Less reliance on external sources in case Twitch makes any breaking changes.
* True live archiving is now implemented, with parts downloaded as they are streamed.
* Added a configuration file for storing secrets for reuse.
* Added progress bars to download, conversion and export of video files and chat logs.
* Added a check on run and command-line notification if a new update is released.
* A more verbose chat log is are now archived along with a readable version.
* Added the ability to choose the number of download threads with an argument '--threads'.
* Added the ability to archive individual (or multiple) VODs.
* Added the ability to archive multiple channels in one command.
* Added the ability to print the saved config.
* Added the ability to choose the downloaded stream resolution and framerate.
* Added error handling for VODs with segment discontinuities.
* Added the '--quiet' and '--debug' arguments.
* Added an option for logging to a file.
* Added a license (GNU Affero Public License).

**What's changed:**
* Variables can now be passed as arguments rather than via a file.
* OAuth token is saved in the configuration rather than a file.
* Implemented a new, more accurate method for determining whether a VOD is live or not.
* Transitioned to a single database for all archived channel VODs.
* Removed erroneous characters from VOD directory names.
* Modified database schema. See [this gist]( if you wish to migrate your TA v1.x database(s) to the new format and location. This needs to be done to seamlessly resume archiving channels.
* Repository renamed (twitch-vod-archiver -> twitch-archiver).
* Improved VOD length verification.
* Chat logs are now saved while archiving live VODs rather than after stream finishes.
* Greatly improved logging.
* Various minor fixes and improvements.
* Overhauled changelog and readme.
* Added minimum ffmpeg version (4.3.1)


* Fixed an issue with vods created very recently

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