- Added "-bd / --begindate" command line arguments to set the begin date of the query
- Added "-ed / --enddate" command line arguments to set the end date of the query.
- Added "-p / --poolsize" command line arguments which can change the number of parallel processes.
Default number of parallel processes is set to 20.
- Outputfile is only created if tweets are actually retrieved.
- The ´query_all_tweets' method in the Query module is removed. Since twitterscraper is starting parallel processes by default,
this method is no longer necessary.
- The 'query_tweets' method now takes as arguments query, limit, begindate, enddate, poolsize.
- The 'query_tweets_once' no longer has the argument 'num_tweets'
- The default value of the 'retry' argument of the 'query_single_page' method has been increased from 3 to 10.
- The ´query_tweets_once' method does not log to screen at every single scrape, but at the end of a batch.