
Latest version: v0.7.4

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Features

* [Issue 23]( - [Mastodon] add a new search route
* [Issue 22]( - The number of workers for the HTTP Server can be set
* [Issue 21]( - [Mastodon] use pagination to get toots

In this release 3 issues were closed.


New Features

* [Issue 19]( - Change environment variables

Bugs Fixed

* [Issue 20]( - Limit items in feed to avoid error or time-out
* [Issue 18]( - [Mastodon] fix reference characters in items title

In this release 3 issues were closed.


New Features

* twootfeed is now available on PyPI
$ pip install twootfeed

Bugs Fixed

* [Issue 17]( - [Twitter] the name used in url is the display name and not the username

* Python 3.7 support (since Tweepy 3.7 support)
* Refactor
* Continuous integration and tests coverage

In this release 1 issue was closed.


- Performance improvements (code refactoring)
- Use of Gunicorn for Production environments


- Features
- 10 : [Mastodon] display images and source (application name if provided) from toots

- Bugfixes:
- 2 : [Twitter] handle the tweeperror "Rate limit exceeded"
- 15 & 16 : [Twitter] display tweets full text and images

- Misc:
- major refactor


Adding **Makefile** to ease install and starting the server (see [README](

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