- Added ``html_for_tweet`` static method. This method accepts a tweet object returned from a Twitter API call and will return a string with urls, mentions and hashtags in the tweet replaced with HTML.
- Pass ``client_args`` to the streaming ``__init__``, much like in core Twython (you can pass headers, timeout, hooks, proxies, etc.).
- Streamer has new parameter ``handlers`` which accepts a list of strings related to functions that are apart of the Streaming class and start with "on\_". i.e. ['delete'] is passed, when 'delete' is received from a stream response; ``on_delete`` will be called.
- When an actual request error happens and a ``RequestException`` is raised, it is caught and a ``TwythonError`` is raised instead for convenience.
- Added "cursor"-like functionality. Endpoints with the attribute ``iter_mode`` will be able to be passed to ``Twython.cursor`` and returned as a generator.
- ``Twython.search_gen`` has been deprecated. Please use ``twitter.cursor(twitter.search, q='your_query')`` instead, where ``twitter`` is your ``Twython`` instance.
- Added methods ``get_list_memberships``, ``get_twitter_configuration``, ``get_supported_languages``, ``get_privacy_policy``, ``get_tos``
- Added ``auth_endpoint`` parameter to ``Twython.__init__`` for cases when the right parameters weren't being shown during the authentication step.
- Fixed streaming issue where results wouldn't be returned for streams that weren't so active (See https://github.com/ryanmcgrath/twython/issues/202#issuecomment-19915708)
- Streaming API now uses ``_transparent_params`` so when passed ``True`` or ``False`` or an array, etc. Twython formats it to meet Twitter parameter standards (i.e. ['ryanmcgrath', 'mikehelmick', 'twitterapi'] would convert to string 'ryanmcgrath,mikehelmick,twitterapi')