
Latest version: v0.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 707375 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Upgrade to `python-hl7 v0.4.0 <https://python-hl7.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.htmlchangelog-0-4-0>`_
* Trailing carriage return in Message now passed along per Message Construction
Rules. Requires python-hl7 v0.4.0.
* MSH.9.1.3 ("ACK") added
* Dropped support for Python 2.7 & 3.4. Python 3.5 - 3.8 now supported.

.. _release-0.4.1:



* Added ``IHL7Receiver.getTimeout()`` interface method.
Receivers can return an integer TCP connection idle timeout in seconds.

.. _release-0.4.0:



* Ported to Python 3.4. Support for Python 2.6 dropped. Currently supported
platforms are Python 2.7 & 3.4. API remains the same, mostly test changes
to more explicitly indicate bytestrings vs unicode strings. Also needed
to convert to use zope.interface's ``implementer()`` class advice instead
of the ``implements()``.
* Use tox as primary test runner.
* Distribute Python wheel.

.. _release-0.3.0:



* Renamed project from twisted-hl7 to txHL7, to be in line with
twisted's `Community Code
<http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/CommunityCode>`_ recommendations.

.. warning::

Please update your project to use the ``txHL7`` import instead
of ``twistedhl7`` and replace "twisted-hl7" with "txHL7" in
your setup.py or requirements.txt.

If you perform a ``pip uninstall twisted-hl7``, ensure you do it
before installing txHL7, since both packages use the
:file:`twisted/plugins/mllp_plugin.py` twisted plugin, otherwise
the twisted-hl7 uninstall will remove txHL7's version of the plugin.



* Add a description to setup.py. Thanks `Low Kian Seong



* Delegate error processing to
:py:meth:`txHL7.receiver.MessageContainer.err`, allowing subclasses
to define logic.

.. _release-0.2.0:

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