June 21, 2018
* `txtorcon-18.0.0.tar.gz <http://fjblvrw2jrxnhtg67qpbzi45r7ofojaoo3orzykesly2j3c2m3htapid.onion/txtorcon-18.0.0.tar.gz>`_ (`PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txtorcon/18.0.0>`_ (:download:`local-sig </../signatues/txtorcon-18.0.0.tar.gz.asc>` or `github-sig <https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon/blob/main/signatues/txtorcon-18.0.0.tar.gz.asc?raw=true>`_) (`source <https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon/archive/v18.0.0.tar.gz>`_)
* `await_all_uploads` options when creating Onions
* properly re-map progress percentages (including descriptor uploads)
* properly wait for all event-listeners during startup
* re-work how `TorState.event_map` works, hopefully reducing
reproducible-builds issues
* :meth:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.add_event_listener` and
:meth:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.remove_event_listener` are now
async methods returning Deferred -- they always should have been; new
code can now be assured that the event-listener change is known to Tor
by awaiting this Deferred.
* :meth:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.get_conf_single` method added, which
gets and returns (asynchronously) a single GETCONF key (instead of a dict)
* also :meth:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.get_info_single` similar to above
* if Tor disconnects while a command is in-progress or pending, the
`.errback()` for the corresponding Deferred is now correctly fired
(with a :class:`txtorcon.TorDisconnectError`
* tired: `get_global_tor()` (now deprecated)
wired: :meth:`txtorcon.get_global_tor_instance`
* Adds a comprehensive set of Onion Services APIs (for all six
variations). For non-authenticated services, instances of
:class:`txtorcon.IOnionService` represent services; for
authenticated services, instances of
:class:`txtorcon.IAuthenticatedOnionClients` encapsulated named
lists of clients (each client is an instance implementing
* Version 3 ("Proposition 279") Onion service support (same APIs) as
released in latest Tor
* Four new methods to handle creating endpoints for Onion services
(either ephemeral or not and authenticated or not):
** :method:`txtorcon.Tor.create_authenticated_onion_endpoint`
** :method:`txtorcon.Tor.create_authenticated_filesystem_onion_endpoint`
** :method:`txtorcon.Tor.create_onion_endpoint`
** :method:`txtorcon.Tor.create_filesystem_onion_endpoint`
* see :ref:`create_onion` for information on how to choose an
appropriate type of Onion Service.
* :method:`txtorcon.Tor.create_onion_service` to add a new ephemeral
Onion service to Tor. This uses the `ADD_ONION` command under the
hood and can be version 2 or version 3. Note that there is an
endpoint-style API as well so you don't have to worry about mapping
ports yourself (see below).
* :method:`txtorcon.Tor.create_filesystem_onion_service` to add a new
Onion service to Tor with configuration (private keys) stored in a
provided directory. These can be version 2 or version 3
services. Note that there is an endpoint-style API as well so you
don't have to worry about mapping ports yourself (see below).
* Additional APIs to make visiting authenticated Onion services as a
client easier:
* :method:`txtorcon.Tor.add_onion_authentication` will add a
client-side Onion service authentication token. If you add a token
for a service which already has a token, it is an error if they
don't match. This corresponds to `HidServAuth` lines in torrc.
* :method:`txtorcon.Tor.remove_onion_authentication` will remove a
previously added client-side Onion service authentication
token. Fires with True if such a token existed and was removed or
False if no existing token was found.
* :method:`txtorcon.Tor.onion_authentication` (Python3 only) an async
context-manager that adds and removes an Onion authentication token
(i.e. adds in on `__aenter__` and removes it on `__aexit__`).
* onion services support listening on Unix paths.
* make sure README renders on Warehouse/PyPI