- It turns out a lot of Linux distributions make the links between zoneinfo
aliases backwards, so instead of linking GB to Europe/London it actually
links the other way. When /etc/localtime then links to Europe/London, and you
also have a config file saying Europe/London, the code that checks if
/etc/localtime is a symlink ends up at GB instead of Europe/London and
we get an error, as it thinks GB and Europe/London are different zones.
So now we check the symlink of all timezones in the uniqueness test. We still
return the name in the config file, though, so you would only get GB or Zulu
returned as the time zone instead of Europe/London or UTC if your only
configuration is the /etc/localtime symlink, as that's checked last, and
tzlocal will return the first configuration found.
- The above change also means that GMT and UTC are no longer seen as synonyms,
as zoneinfo does not see them as synonyms. This might be controversial,
but you just have to live with it. Pick one and stay with it. ;-)