* New method: `ub.timeparse` can parse the result of `ub.timestamp` into a
`datetime` object. Can optionally use `dateutil.parser.parse` under the hood.
* `` a convenience function that aliases `list(path.iterdir())`.
* `ub.Path.walk` to wrap `os.walk`.
* Register `pathlib.Path` with `ub.repr2`
* Can now register global `ub.repr2` extensions via `ub.repr2.register`
* Can now register global `ub.hash_data` extensions via `ub.hash_data.register`
* Removed deprecated arguments from `ubelt.cmd`.
* `ub.CacheStamp` will now check the mtime and size to quickly check if the products
have changed and force expiration.
* `ub.CacheStamp` now takes an `expires` keyword arg, which will keep the cache valid
only for the specified amount of time.
* `ub.CacheStamp` now takes an `hash_prefix` keyword arg, which will check that it
matches the hash of the product.
* `ub.cmd` now has a `system` argument for modularity with `os.system`.
* `ub.cmd` now accepts a `timeout` argument (tee support is pending).
* `ub.JobPool` now contains a protected `_prog` variable allowing the user
finer-grained progress controls.
* `ub.JobPool` now contains a convenience method `join` that executes all jobs
and returns a list of results.
* `ub.timestamp` can now accept a `datetime` object as an argument, and will return
the timestamp for that object.
* The `ubelt.util_download.grabdata` function now uses `CacheStamp` instead of
implementing its own stamp solution.
* The `ubelt.util_hash.HashableExtensions` implementation was updated to use
`functools.singledispatch` instead of the custom solution. This seems faster
and should not have any API impact.
* `product` and `cfgstr` arguments to `CacheStamp.expired`
* `product` and `cfgstr` arguments to `CacheStamp.renew`
* Passing `hasher` as an instance to functions like `grabdata` or `CacheStamp`
can cause unexpected hashes as they may be used more than once.
* `ub.hash_data` now recognizes subclasses of registered types.
* `ub.timestamp()` has been outputting incorrect (negated) UTC offsets. This is now fixed.
* `ub.timestamp()` now works correctly when the year has less than 4 digits.