For a full list of the changes, users are advised to compare GitHub tags. Outlined below are listed the routines/parts of the code that are affected by v8.0.0 compared to v7.0.8
- Namespaces no longer flattened
- Updated makefiles and source files to be compatible with modern compilers
- Many small changes over majority of files
- Some default variables changed: unless specified in the input, these variables will have different values in V8.0.0 vs V7.X
- iswflxlvgy=0 -> 1
- iswflxltgy=0 -> 1
- Radial gas flux limits active on radial boundaries by default
- recycm=0.1->-0.9
- Momentum recycling coefficient
- initialization script executed if available
- exec(open(…)) -> to allow defining general variables (e.g. rate paths)
- Priority: cwd > $HOME
- com.geometry options added for ‘snowflake135’ and ‘snowflake165’
- istabon=17 option added
- Switch to use ehr5.dat files for hydrogen rates
-uedge.rundt updated
- More options available
- Based on UeRun-object
- bbb.GridFileName parameter introduced
- Gas temperature boundary condition option fegx = 2Tg*Maxw-flux added
- istg(pf/w)c=3 and istg(l/r)b=3
- Potential model updated
- isphicore0 option updated
- Zero radial phi-gradient at core boundary added
- Electron ponderomotive potential added
- Additional arrays introduced: gdpondpote, pondomfpar(e/i)_use, eymask1d
- Added friction term to electron heating source
- Updated 𝐯_(∥,g)×∇P_g ion energy source to account for atoms
- Included in engbal subroutine also
- Updates to thermal convective/conductive neutral gas flow
- Updated neutral viscosity calculation
- Corrected neutral convective energy flow at boundary, gas temperature at corners
- Added y-component of nonorthogonal diffusive flux, including flux limits
- Bugfix to comp_vertex_vals
- Affects calculated neutral densities at vertices in subroutine
- Updated potential and Tg models for dnull geometries