* Updated to the latest version of MicroPython for micro:bit (1.0.1) * This is the version of uflash to be used in Mu 1.0.2.
* Update to the latest version of MicroPython for micro:bit (1.0.0). * This is the version of uflash to be used in Mu 1.0.1.
* Update to latest version of MicroPython for micro:bit (1.0.0-rc.3).
* Update to latest version of MicroPython. Thanks to Damien George and Carlos Pereira Atencio for their hard work. * This is the version of uflash to be used in Mu 1.0.0 (final).
* Update to latest version of MicroPython. Thanks to Damien George. * Add attribute called MICROPYTHON_VERSION to report the version of MicroPython bundled with uflash.
* Update to the latest version of MicroPython for the BBC micro:bit -- fixes a bug relating to flooding and the radio module. As always, many thanks to Damien George for his work on MicroPython.