* `ukat` is now public under GPL3 120
* ADC mapping (monoexponential and MD models) 136 137 23
* T1 mapping 80 82
* Additional T2 fitting models (`3p_exp` three parameter exponential fit and excluding signal below a supplied threshold) 134
* `to_nifit` method added to all mapping classes for quick export of calculated maps 119
* T2* confidence Intervals are now returned for `2p_exp` fitting model 112 141
* T2 fitting upper bound from 700 ms to 1000 ms 116
* Tests now include an end to end test with "real" data acquired on a scanner rather than just simulated data 128
* Data fetched refactored 143
* Removed support for Python 3.5
* Consistent use of `npt` rather than `npt` and `np.testing` 96