
Latest version: v0.6

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* Fix `uliweb.contrib.tables` dbinit.py bug
* Improve generic command can process `camel_view` to `CamelView`
* Add `pretty_dict` function to common
* Fix xmlrpc not compatiable with `prepare_request`
* Convert unknown object with `str()` in json_dumps
* Add `encrypt` and `decrypt` function to functions
* Fix pyini list value process bug for set can't process un-hashed object
* Change find tempalte result, also will list the parent template file with the same name
* Improve find template with `--tree` parameter, and it'll show a tree view of
tmplate extend or include.
* Improve alembic init, it will remove alembic path first.
* Remove orm derived duplication check, so that user can overwrite the property of parent
* Add Decimal default precision to 10, and scale to 2
* Add functions.request_url() this can be replace request.url.
* Add count number to orm command when process multiple tables and also display appname of the model
* Add `post_commit` to transcation middleware. So you can bind a callback to it.
* Add `sequence` to Property.
* Remove LoginForm validate process, because authenticate already done this.
* Add `authenticate` to functions
* Add functions to uliweb shell
* Add ORM Lazy and cache support
* Refactor manage.py get_commands process
* Add flat_list and remove cach_get in common.py
* Refactor objcache app
* Add redis_cli app
* Fix upload app bug
* Add CHECK_MAX_LENGTH to orm app. So if it's True, and if max_length is not passed
a value, it'll raise an Exception. Or if CHECK_MAX_LENGTH is False, max_length will
be 255 by default.
* Add `post_do` and `rawsql` function to orm.
* Change `generic/template_files/common/views.py` to `views.py.tmpl`
* Add GenericReference value `(Model, object_id)` support
* Fix pyini save process
* Fix `_create_kwargs` quote characters bug, and change the function to `to_attrs`
* Refactor multiple db support, only one engine supported for each class.
* Add static combine functionality, so you can combine some js or css files into
one file.
* Improve `sql` command, add index output, and also add `sqltable` command.
* Add SQLMonitor
* Fix unbind bug
* Improve ORM `auto` and `auto_add` process. If `auto` and `auto_add` are both `False` or `None`,
default will be used. And if one of `auto` or `auto_add` is `True`, then only
add or update will use default value.
* improve do_ process, and add set_echo() function, so you can use it to debug sql executation
* improve shell command, add filename support
* mail add sendmail support
* fix zip mode bug in dump and add zip support for dumptable command
* remove kwargs['default'] = self.default process
* add expiry_time support for session key
* Fix checkbox label delimeter bug
* add cache parameter to ids()
* add mapping_only support and add not remove table in alembic diff support, you should add --remove
* add --force for alembic diff and add server_default compare support
* Add colorloged.py, so you can use it to output colored log
* fix now() for date and time
* Upgrade werkzeug to 0.9.1
* Improve ssl options



* Add CSRF support thanks for Damon
* Add multiple lines comment tag `{{ }}` support to template
* Improve makeproject project template, add .gitignore and local_settings.ini
* Refactor `call_view()` so that fix the soap view function will invoke
`__begin__` or `__end__` twice bug.
* Refactor Functions, and Decorators, add parent class Finder. Also you can import
from `uliweb`
* Replace class type judgement with `inspect.isclass()`
* Fix `--version` command argument process bug.
* Improve `import_mod_attr`, and make it can receive object parameter
* Add `handler()` function to Dispatcher, and it'll return an instance of `DispatcherHandler`
and it provide `get`, `post`, `delete`, .etc, restful api, and you can invoke
them to execute an url, for example:

from uliweb import application

handler = application.handler()
r = handler.get('/index')
r is response object

* Add `client_from_application()` to uliweb/utils/test.py
* Add `dispatcher_cls` and `dispatcher_kwargs` to `make_application` and
`make_simple_applicatin`, so you can pass difference Disptacher class
which provided by `uliweb/core/SimpleFrame.py`.
* Add `PUT` and `PATCH` judgement to csrf middleware.
* Fix template.py for multiple times extending the same template file bug
* Expose `filename_convert()` function from upload app
* Add `get_uuid()` function to utils/common.py
* Fix `get_collection_name()` bug
* Fix json bug, when dealing with `0x00-0x1f`
* Add generic app, so user can use `functions.ListView`
* Add fieldset support for BootstrapLayout
* Change generic.py `json_body` to `json_result`, add `.f` attributes to DetailView object
* Change IntField build class to Number, so the html code will be `<input type="number"/>`
* Change DateTimeField html creation with UTC to no UTC.
* Fix `GET` and `POST` bind to same url but with different method will be replaced bug
* Fix `u"""` and `u'''` bug in pyini process
* Skip empty templates directories when startup
* Module of template_plugins can be configured in settings.ini
* Add `df` parameter to common.copy_dir processor callback function
* Remove `return`, `continue`, `break` unindent process, so only `pass` will unindent used
* Add `generic` command, you can use it to create scafold of List, Add, View, Edit, Delete,
it support angularjs, html, easyui theme.
* Add `Builder` class to html.py, then refactor `generic.DetailView` , so you can use
`{{<< view.body}}` to get the body result but not the whole paragraph.
* Add `kwargs` to ORM get, filter, and also add `for_update` method to Result, so.
you can do select with for update lock, for example:

Model.get(Model.c.id==id, for_update=True)

* generic ListView and SimpleListView can get value of page and rows from request,
so if you pass these variables in the GET or POST, you don't need to parse them
and then pass them to ListView or SimpleListView, you can just skip them, ListView
and SimpleListView will parse them automatically
* `Result.for_update` can receive an argument, default it `True`, and string also
can be accpeted, please see the sqlalchemy doc http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/expression_api.html for details.
* Add secretkey app, when you installed this app, you can execute cmd:

uliweb makekey

to create a secretkey file, which will be locate in current directory by default. Then:

from uliweb import functions
des = functions.get_cipher()
d = des.encrypt('hello')

* Remove pagecache app
* Add `safe_unicode` and `safe_str` support i18n LazyString class
* Refactor generic.ListView and generic.SimpleListView output, the table will be
and Builder object, so you can:


* Add `get_input()` to command.py, you can use it to get a value from command line
if an option is not given
* Remove APP_LAYOUT functionality, and it can be replaced with

settings.APP_LAYOUTS.get('messages', 'layout.html')

so you can still config app's layout template in settings.ini. Another way is
to replace app's layout template in a new app with the same filename, and then
install it after the original app in `INSTALLED_APPS`.



* Change cache settings, remove file_dir and lock_dir as 0.1.3 before
* Add more info about dispatch call exception output
* Add uliweb.contrib.form app, and add get_form() function.
* Make auth support get_form() appoach
* Improve file_storage process.
* Fix RedirectException still display bug.
* Add TablenameConvert support to uliweb.orm, you can pass an converter function
via orm.set_tablename_converter(converter) function, or defined it in settings.ini
if you are in a project, for example:

TABLENAME_CONVERTER = 'uliweb.utils.common.camel_to_'

Then if the Model name is CamelCase then it'll be converted to `camel_case`.
* Add Reference, OneToOne, ManyToMany relation definition in Model level
* If collection_name is None, and if there is already `tablename_set` existed,
then it'll create new collection_name automatically, so that the collection_name
will not be duplication at all. But if the user pass the collection_name, and
if there is `tablename_set` already, then raise the Exception always. Please note
the difference about it.
* Change default max_length of CHAR, str, unicode as 255. The original default value
is 30.
* Add IS_LENGTH_LESSTHAN and IS_LENGTH_BETWEEN to validators.py.
* Add [GLOBAL_OBJECTS] mechanism, objects config in here will be injected into uliweb.
* Add validators to uliweb, but this appoach is using [VALIDAOTRS] mechanism.
* Add IS_LENGTH_LESSTHAN validator to generic.py if there is max_length exists.
* Add newline and attrs to core/html.py/Tag, for example:

>>> print Tag('p', 'Hello', attrs={'data-link':'ok'}, newline=False)
<p data-link="ok">Hello</p>

so you can pass `data-link` to `attrs`. For `newline=False` will not create `\n`.
* Remove `Script` of core/html.py.
* Add AUTHORS.md doc.
* Fix BootstrapTableLayout HiddenField creation bug.
* Add serial_cls support, so you can config session serial class yourself. Default is Cache.Serial.
* If the url prefix '!' then don't parse it with appname URL prefix. For example:


* Improve url expose for '!' process, and make class view also support it. Add test_url.py.
* Change form validate_xxx in the front of the original validator functions, move BaseField
validate error mssage to module level, e.g. ERR_REQUIRED
* Fix i18n bug for LazyString
* Add chmod after mkdirs in extract_dir function
* Add alembic init command will drop `alembic_version` table
* Add DEBUG_CONSOLE config to seperate DebugApplication evalex parameter from DEBUG



* Fix utils/date.to_datetime() support %f(misrosecond) format
* Add microsecond format support in utils/date.py
* Improve DateField, TimeField, DatetimeField process with date module
* Remove doc test from uliform.py to test_form.py
* Fix rules.py can't parse Class View function directly, such as defined in
settings.ini, also fix app URL definition for relative expose bug.
* Add test_sorteddict.py and add sort() method to sorteddict class
* Add common set_var and get_var and configure them in default_settings.ini
* improve soap app, add multiple soap support, details you should see soap doc
* Refactor form, add build propert and function to Form class, and the result
should be: pre_html, begin, body, buttons, end, post_html
* Add default parameter to uliweb/utils/common.py get_choice()
* Improve template extend and include process, if you extend the same filename
with current filename, then it'll find the parent same named filename. This
way can make new same named filename but extended from parent. Also support
include tag.
* Add APP_LAYOUT support in uliweb.contrib.template, so in your template you can
use: `{{use layout_template}}` in your tmplate, and config the app layout template

appname = 'layout.html'

so when render the template, the `layout_template` will be replaced with `layout.html`
* Add QueryString and query_string support in common.py
* Fix dispatch signal process bug
* Set werkzeug log level to 'info', issue 2
* Improve template_layout.py checkbox creation
* Change wsgi_staticfiles apps order, later defined app will be processed earlier
* Refactor manage.py add call() function, add -f option to makeproject and makeapp
* Add test_cache.py test file.
* Add creator parameter to cache.get() and also support callable for value
* Add memcache storage support, and add inc(), dec() to cache
* Refactor require_login, remove has_login, require_login will raise Redirect Exception
so you don't need to just return value
* Change Redirect to RedirectException, and redefine Redirect as function
* Fix soap configure reading bug
* Fix log format bug
* Fix pysimplesoap bool type bug http://code.google.com/p/pysimplesoap/issues/attachmentText?id=69&aid=690001000&name=simplexml.py.patch&token=F8TXcyAoCDS5vScp5MiFEccN6J4%3A1345507177742



* Fix loadtable bug for PickleType type, using inspecttable instead, so
PickleyType will be BLOB type.
* Improve template process:

* Add `uliweb-template-tag:<begin_tag>,<end_tag><newline>` process to template
file, and you can also pass `begin_tag` and `end_tag` to Template, and
`template_file()` or `template()`
* Add `[TEMPLATE_PROCESSOR]` section to `default_settings.ini`, so that user
can setup his own template processor, the option will look like:

angularjs_template = {'file_exts':['.ahtml'],

* the key is not very important, but you should keep it unique
* `file_exts` will be the file extensions, it's a list, so the
processor can match multiple filenames
* `processor` will be the path of template function, uliweb will
import it when needed
* `args` will be a dict, and it will be passed to template function
* Add `BEGIN_TAG` and `END_TAG` to settings.ini, so user can change
default tag name from `{{` and `}}` to other strings. But this
appoach will effect globally, so if you are using other apps with
templates which using old tag strings, will cause errors. So using
`uliweb-template-tag` or `TEMPLATE_PROCESSOR` maybe the good way,
but you still need to set it in template file or set `response.template`
with other template extension, because the defult template file extension
is `.html`. For example:

def index():
response.template = 'index.ahtml'
return {}

Above code will override the default template filename from `index.html`
to `index.ahtml`.
* Add Redirect support. Redirect is an exception, and also add Redirect support
in middle_session. Because Redirect is an exception, so it'll implement process_exception
and save the session also.
* Fix generic.py fields_convert_map initialization bug
* Fix template get_text() bug, add inherit_tags parameter to it, and if it's False,
will use default begin and end tag string.
* Fix file_serving.download() for Chinese characters bug.
* Change the order of creating table colums according the definition of Model
* Fix pyini/uni_prt bug. And change _uni_prt to uni_prt.
* Add object() to ListView
* Upgrade pysimplesoap to 1.05a



* Fix permission tag, and change PERMISSION definitions in settings.ini, now the
PERMISSION definition can use dict datatype, just like:

PERM = {'name':'PERM', 'roles':['a', 'b'], 'description':'PERM}

and with this method, you don't need to define ROLES_PERMISSIONS section
* Add TransactionMiddle as default settings in ORM settings.ini. By default, if
you add 'uliweb.contrib.orm', the transaction middleware will automatically
enabled. In the previous version, you should add this middleware yourself.
* Add app arguments to exportstatic command
* Remove --with-static option of export command, so default behavior is export
static folder
* Fix default file_serving process, add x_filename process, in order to make
alt filename support processing correctly.
* Add -m option to find command, so you can use:

uliweb find -m model_name

to find the model is defined in which model
* Add manytomany parameter to Model.delete() function, so it'll automatically
delete manytomany relationships.
* Add tables app to uliweb.
* Add GenericReference and GenericRalation support
* Add BigIntegerProperty support, the shorthand is Field(BIGINT)
* Add `__pk_type__` variable, current is 'int', others will be 'biginteger',
you can use set_pk_type(name) to switch it, also add PKTYPE() function, you
can use Field(PKTYPE()) to create ForeignKey Property according the option,
in web project, you can swith it via ORM/PK_TYPE
* Add delete_fieldname parameter to Model.delete(), so if you pass True, it'll
assume the delete_fieldname is 'deleted', and if you pass real field_name it'll
use it directly. This way will not delete the record at all, just change the
delete_fieldname value from False to True.
* Fix RemoteField default datatype as int and default value is None.
* Refactor the ReferenceProperty datatype process.
* Add _class and id parameter to Form, and fix form_class process
* Refactor template, add BaseBlockNode class, and add end() process for block type node.

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