
Latest version: v4.1.0

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Some small updates prior to final release of DR7.


Initial release of ullyses code corresponding to Data Release 7.


Some small updates prior to final release of DR7.


This releases the DR6 code to PyPI - it includes a restructuring of the repository to conform with modern build suggestions.

**March 21 2023**
Data Release 6 includes:

- Improvements to FUSE data
- Generalization of the coaddition algorithm
- Ability to create timeseries products for non-monitoring targets

**November 15 2022**
Data Release 5b includes:

- New HST high-level science products (HLSPs) for 17 new low-mass targets _only_

**June 28 2022**
Data Release 5 includes:

- Complete refactoring of code API and package structure
- Generalization of most HLSP creation scripts
- Separation of static files and utility scripts into the [ullyses-utils repository](https://github.com/spacetelescope/ullyses-utils)

**Dec 14 2021**
Data Release 4 includes:

- Updates to allow for generalized calibration and HLSP creation of all monitoring stars
- Filename extension change from `_sed.fits` to `_preview-spec.fits`

**Aug 31 2021**
Data Release 3 includes:

- creation of new time-series spectral products, including products using LCOGT data
- creation of new imaging HLSPs
- the STIS calibration code was vastly improved, and YAML format changed
- error counts are converted to flux using a conversion factor of flux/net counts. `coadd.py` was updated such that if net counts are zero, interpolation is performed using neighboring conversion values
- fixed a bug where sometimes not all contributing spectra were used when coadding data
- special calibration is now performed for COS data with calibration issues (TW Hydra, SZ10)

**Mar 17 2021**
Data Release 2 includes:
- creation of new level 0 STIS products and accompanying YAML files
- FUSE VO files accepted as input spectra to `coadd.py`
- DQ=16 flags are ignored for STIS/MAMA data only instead of STIS/MAMA and STIS/CCD
- HLSP flux weighting method was improved to use the throughput (NET/FLUX) times exposure time as the weight
- Flux calibration affecting COS/G130M/1096/FPPOS1 data was fixed by the COS team, so the ULLYSES workaround was removed from `coadd.py`
- The abut code was improved to accept a wider variety of input observing modes

**Nov 5 2020**
First version of software to create ULLYSES High Level Science Products (HLSPs). Creates both coadded and abutted COS and STIS spectra for ULLYSES targets.


Data Release 6 - version 2.1.2.


Updates to configuration calibration files for T Tauri sources; minor updates to aliases.

**June 28 2022**
Data Release 5 includes:

- Complete refactoring of code API and package structure
- Generalization of most HLSP creation scripts
- Separation of static files and utility scripts into the [ullyses-utils repository](https://github.com/spacetelescope/ullyses-utils)



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