* New experimental command `pcheck` for probabilistic model checking. LTL, CTL, and PCTL formulae can be expressed in an extension of the syntax of the default `LTL` module where bounded temporal operators are admitted like `<> <= n` or `U > n`. Probabilities are distributed among the successors of a state according to a method specified with the `--assign` option. The default one is `uniform`, but others are available such as `uaction` where actions can be assigned weights or probabilities, `metadata` where weights are read from the metadata attribute of rules and strategies, and `term` to obtain weights by reducing a Maude function of numerical range. All these methods except `uaction` can be prefixed with `mdp-` to generate a Markov decision process, where actions (rule labels) are selected nondeterministically. By default, the result of the command is the probability that the given formulae is satisfied (or the minimum and maximum ones for MDPs), but the `--steps` and `--reward` attributes can be used to get the expected value of the number of steps or of a user-defined reward function on states. Currently, all features are directly supported by the [PRISM](https://www.prismmodelchecker.org/) model checker.
* Fixed the printing of an unwanted debugging message when using `--kleene-iteration`.