
Latest version: v2.0.0

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2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: <2.7 add a rare kind of list_for

2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : Remove 2.7 asynchat verifcation for now

2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/08_while1_if_continue.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: while1 bug in 2.6 and 2.7

2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: <2.7 whileelse rule

2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py:
<2.6 make sure jump back on loops is really "back"

2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: <2.7 lack of POP_IF_ adjustment
in detect_structure

2016-07-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: 2.6 POP_TOP and POP_JUMP_IF bugs

2016-07-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: 2.6 bug in handling jumps to

2016-07-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/03_if_elif.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6.9 bug: multiple COME_FROMs via

2016-07-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/03_if_elif.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6.9 elif with multiple COME_FROMs

2016-07-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/04_raise.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: < 2.7 bug in not distinguishing
raise from assert

2016-07-04 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : Add 10_if_else_ternary.pyc for 2.5

2016-07-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/test_deparse.py: fragment test update for expanded offsets

2016-07-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: More offsets captrued Add %b
specifer %b - associate text before specifier pysource.py: small doc

2016-07-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit 04698f45cc4246b95b3bb8c22f61e0398614b344 Author: rocky
<rbdustyfeet.com> Date: Sun Jul 3 11:32:20 2016 -0400

2016-07-03 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py:
Another 2.6 while stmt. Clean up grammar a little

2016-07-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py:
2.6 improper tagging of RETURN_END_IF

2016-07-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py: 2.6.9 tryelsestmt

2016-07-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/04_withas.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py: Python 2.6 with as stmt

2016-07-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/06_return_if.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6 ifelsestmt

2016-07-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/07_return_end_if.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: Another 2.6 return_stmt bug

2016-07-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/07_return_end_if.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6 return_stmt

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py: Fix import name in setup entry_points. Fixes issue 34

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/06_for_break.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
More 2.6.9 bugs fixed * break loop parsing bug * ifelsestmt semantic-action bug in handling else

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/05_list_comprehension.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6 conditional in list comprehension

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Oh Python and your f*'d notions
of spacing

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/05_for_for.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
2.6.9 list comprehension

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/exception/07_try_pass.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: <= 2.6 weird jump out of try block Allow COME_FROMs to appare via JUMP_FORWARD in tey/except blocks

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py: CONTINUE handling in 2.6.9

2016-06-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6 except_suite bug

2016-06-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/08_for_if_for.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: 2.6
genexpr. Some not quite right.

2016-06-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/15_assert.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py: 2.6.9 assert 2-arg bug

2016-06-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/bug26/06_setif_comprehension.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: A 2.6 comprehension bug

2016-06-29 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 33 from rocky/python-2.6 Python 2.6

2016-06-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Weird 2.6.9 list comprehension

2016-06-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/06_return_if.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: Add more come_from_pops

2016-06-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/07_withstmt_fn.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6. with fn()

2016-06-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py:
Base 2.5 off of 2.6. Some other small bugs.

2016-06-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: 2.6 try
except hadnling works now

2016-06-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
2.6 list comprehensions

2016-06-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: JUMP_IF_{TRUE,FALSE}_OR_OP fixes

2016-06-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py: WIP 2.6 j{f,b}_pop fix

2016-06-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse27.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: WIP
deal with JUMP_IF_{TRUE,FALSE} vs with POP version

2016-06-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : WIP Python-2.6 but don't remove opcodes The scheme for turning 2.6 bytecode into 2.7 psuedo bytecode I think
is a lose. I won't work for fragment handling. Instead, change the grammar and syntax rules This also has the benefits: * We see how code generation changed over releases by looking at grammar and semantic rules rather than arbitrary code * We can better assocate with what's running (in a sense this is a restatement of broken fragment handling) * With the right structure in place we are in a better position to handle 2.5, 2.4, etc. That is, after a while, the incremental
changes to get say from python 2.3 bytecode to python 2.7 are
great. Conflicts: uncompyle6/parsers/astnode.py

2016-06-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: 2.6 compatibility

2016-06-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: Small formating changes ... and premonition of 2.6 byteocde work

2016-06-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit 7a4e3a05ff88e8a02b08eafc3e9f862d1e206c7f Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Fri Jun 24 09:28:50 2016 -0400

2016-06-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/parsers/astnode.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: WIP 2.6 redo bytecode handling Don't try to convert 2.6 bytecode to 2.7 psuedo bytecode. Instead
adjust grammar and semantic actions. Down the line we should to segregate version changes in semantic
code better.

2016-06-24 Daniel Bradburn <moagstargmail.com>

* uncompyle6/show.py: fixed bug in maybe_show_ast_param_default, if
default was not a str a TypeError would occur

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst, __pkginfo__.py: Doc fixes

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, NEWS, __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/version.py: Get ready


2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst: Update README

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Python 3.5 and setcomp_func's A comprehension walk in Python 3.5 needs to include setcomp_func's.

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/branching/07_if_return_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3.5 if handling... Allow RETURN_END_IF in a return statement May want to do this in
other versions as well, but right now we only need it here.

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/05_yield_from.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Another kind of yield_from on 3.5

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/05_yield_from.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
differing ways to do "yield from" in 3.3-3.5

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner23.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Add Python 3.5 yield from and ... * fragments.py: Handle pass stmt sometimes * scanners: regularize Python 2 scanners some * test/test_pyenvlib.py: add python 3.5.1 option

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Python 3 comprehension fixes Sync up fragments.py

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
More 3.2 LOAD_CONST removal More python3 custom grammar DRYing

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: DRY parse grammar a little More LOAD_CONST grammar removal in 3.2

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/05_lambda.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Python 3.2 MAKE_FUNCTION adjustment

2016-06-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Python 2.6 tolerance

2016-06-21 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Btter Python 3 fragment set
comprehensions ... fragment handling for "break" and "continue"

2016-06-21 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Handle fragment key/value
offsets better

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Bang on Python 3.2 decompiling.

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanner.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py:
Python 3 needs Python2's RETURN_END_IF Make python2 and python3 scanner look more the same

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py:
previous 2.7 class decorator bug fixed in 3.x

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: DRY redundant custom rule checking

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/05_set_comprehension.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Python 3 set comprehension bug

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/07_classderef.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3.x class bug using subclass

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: For Python 3: add LOAD_CLASSDEREF

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/11_mkfunc_closure.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
3.x make closure kw args handling bug

2016-06-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/10_class_deco.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Python 3.x class decorator bug

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Correct kw+pos args semantics on
3.3 Sync fragment make_function code

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/10_kw+pos_args-bug.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Start 3.3 positional and kw
parameters Semantic routines need more work.

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/exception/10_try_continue_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Another 3.x bug involving jumps

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/03_map.py: Revert assert test on 3.4
until we figure out how to address

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/05_set_comprehension.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
2.7 and 3.x bug in dict comprehensions

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/10_load_assert.py: 3.4 Load assert

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/exception/06_tryifelse.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: 3.4 tryifelse

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/08_while_except_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Python 3 except clause parsing bug

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Cover more offsets

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3.3 is more like 3.4 than we
had thought?

2016-06-19 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 31 from rocky/ast-format Ast format

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit 10b95cd9a844c274b0ebce3e605932eccc814f1b Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Sun Jun 19 02:31:19 2016 -0400

2016-06-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit d7b79c2b59eb1fb49614300d7033c69568b7f43b Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Sun Jun 19 00:49:22 2016 -0400

2016-06-18 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/06_setif_comprehension.py,
uncompyle6/main.py, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: 3.4 set comprehension if bug

2016-06-17 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse23.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Go over grammars.. * Reduce duplication * Remove unused grammar rules * Add grammar checking when parsers run as standalone

2016-06-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Not-quite-right 3.5+ * handling

2016-06-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Add fragment offsets for more
instructions Save and restore class name across switches

2016-06-06 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* pytest/test_deparse.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Set
comprehension code is not in 2.6 So we need more care in test programs.

2016-06-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Add class offset of Python3

2016-06-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/test_deparse.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Fix python 3 set comprehension and ... Add a few set/list comprehension offsets for Python 3

2016-06-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/astnode.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
small changes

2016-06-06 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py:
include offset for starting listcomp

2016-06-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit d4006abf15a2e3da768cdcf2e19078d0553ed979 Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Fri Jun 3 10:59:29 2016 -0400

2016-06-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, uncompyle6/scanner.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner23.py: Can't handle python 2.3 on 3.x for

2016-06-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .gitignore, __pkginfo__.py, test/Makefile, test/test_pyenvlib.py,
test/test_pythonlib.py, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse23.py, uncompyle6/scanner.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner23.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Limited support for Python 2.3

2016-06-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner33.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: option to show asm and DRY. Get ready for some 2.3 support

2016-06-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner33.py: For Python 3.3
verification README.rst: reflow paragraph

2016-06-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/06_list_ifnot_and.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py: Start custom grammar for 2.6 and
... fix a python 2.6.9 deparse with lc if+and+not

2016-06-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .gitignore, README.rst, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py: Misc refactorings

2016-06-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst: Remove things we don't do here anymore. For those other things see xdis.

2016-06-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst: Remove stuff we don't do anymore For these other functions see xdis.

2016-06-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .gitignore, uncompyle6/parsers/astnode.py: print AST children
counts for internal nodes

2016-06-01 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 23 from rocky/diagnostics-to-stream Diagnostics to stream

2016-06-01 Daniel Bradburn <moagstargmail.com>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py, uncompyle6/show.py: showasm and
showast now accept file like objects which are used for writing the
the asm or ast to.

2016-06-01 Daniel Bradburn <moagstargmail.com>

* uncompyle6/show.py: showasm and showast now accept file like
objects which are used for writing the the asm or ast to.

2016-05-31 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 22 from rocky/xdis-load Xdis load

2016-05-31 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/.gitignore,
uncompyle6/opcodes/Makefile, uncompyle6/opcodes/__init__.py,
uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_23.py, uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_24.py,
uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_25.py, uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_26.py,
uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py: use totally xdis's opcodes Needs xdis 1.1.0 or greater

2016-05-30 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* pytest/test_disasm.py, pytest/testdata/if-2.7.right,
pytest/testdata/ifelse-2.7.right, test/ok_lib2.7/bsddb/dbobj.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/bsddb/dbrecio.py, test/ok_lib2.7/bsddb/dbshelve.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/compiler/ast.py, test/ok_lib2.7/compiler/consts.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/compiler/future.py, test/ok_lib2.7/compiler/misc.py,
uncompyle6/disas.py: Back of some of the last disasm changes Was failing test_disasm and I don't want to deal with that now. Add more 2.7 bytecode tests

2016-05-29 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* : commit 08790ab0ab6b24fdbaf6ba90211d159115c6863a Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Sun May 29 23:02:31 2016 -0400

2016-05-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, test/ok_lib2.6/anydbm.py, test/test_pythonlib.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py: DRY scanner25 and scanner26 more

2016-05-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py:
Bang again on Python 2.5 and 2.6 scanners

2016-05-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py: bang on scanner2{5,6}

2016-05-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py:
Start to DRY 2.6 scanner Note: can't use xdis 2.6 opcode until another xdis release.

2016-05-29 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner2.py: Remove use of 2.7 globals by
using self.opc

2016-05-28 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* : commit e70e7bfc164c319d5554042336160ee04fb2fdb2 Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Sat May 28 19:34:12 2016 -0400

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner33.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py:
DRY scanners more

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/06_list_ifnot.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Fix bug in 3x list comprehensions
with ifnot

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/06_list_ifnot.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/dis3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Remove dis3. Fix in 3.x list if not comprehension

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_3x.py, uncompyle6/scanners/dis3.py: One
more Python 3 opcode to remove

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_32.py, uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_33.py,
uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_34.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py:
Remove dup 3.x opcodes

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml: Nuke Travis 3.2 and 3.3 testing for now

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner33.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py:
xdis for Python 3 opcodes

2016-05-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_35.py,
uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py: use xdis
3.4-3.5 opcodes

2016-05-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml, __pkginfo__.py: More travis versions

2016-05-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, pytest/test_fjt.py, pytest/test_load.py,
pytest/test_marsh.py, uncompyle6/__init__.py,
uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/code.py,
uncompyle6/disas.py, uncompyle6/load.py, uncompyle6/magics.py,
uncompyle6/main.py, uncompyle6/marsh.py, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py, uncompyle6/verify.py: Use xdis for
code, magics, and marshal

2016-05-25 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit b6a0c5a704d7d0a3a2a0eb4f90a15eb7a4aceaa2 Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Wed May 25 20:08:12 2016 -0400

2016-05-25 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 21 from rocky/fragments-state-fix Fixed bug in pysource / fragments where the use of deparse_code from

2016-05-24 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: Small change 0 shouldn't be used as False.

2016-05-23 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/06_ifTrue_optimize_bug.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: final RETURN removal bug We want to remove a final return from a module, but otherwise not.
Note we'll no lonager be able to verify functools.pyc as there is
now a return after a raise statement. That will have to be delt with
separately. May address Issue 17.

2016-05-22 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst: pydisassemble is in pyxdis now Some small ReST tag fixes

2016-05-22 Daniel Bradburn <moagstargmail.com>

* .travis.yml: Excluding experimental branch from travis ci

2016-05-22 Daniel Bradburn <moagstargmail.com>

* .travis.yml: Excluding experimental branch from travis ci

2016-05-21 Daniel Bradburn <moagstargmail.com>

* : Merge pull request 16 from rocky/multi-gen--bug-3.5 Fix 3.x generator bug...

2016-05-21 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/11_multi_genexpr.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Fix 3.x generator bug... found by Daniel Brandburn. See


2016-05-21 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/bin/uncompile.py: Check Python version in uncompile.py Seems this is the only place that uses that.

2016-05-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/main.py: Small changes test_pyenvlib.py: cleanup code a little uncompyle6/main.py: more
explicit decompile msg

2016-05-20 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/__init__.py,
uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/bin/uncompile.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/dis3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/verify.py: Small pyflakes stuff

2016-05-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Fragment fixes fragments.py: * Use "%x" specifier if for iterators * Add '%D' interpretation pysource.py: TABLE_DIRECT can get messed up from running fragments duplicate "%x" specifier to igore fragment stuff

2016-05-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* LICENSE, PKG-INFO, __pkginfo__.py, test/simple_source/README,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner33.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py: Small changes and administrivia

2016-05-18 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/test_marsh.py,
test/simple_source/expression/06_frozenset.py, uncompyle6/marsh.py:
Handle marshal frozenset

2016-05-18 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* NEWS, uncompyle6/disas.py, uncompyle6/magics.py,
uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_27.py: Allow PyPy 2.7 opcodes and magic
and ... disas.py: * more aggressive code checking magics.py: * Add PYPY magic opcodes_27.py: * Add PYPY opcodes

2016-05-18 rocky <rockygnu.org>

README.rst, test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/version.py: Get ready


- Replaced the way code structures are identified by the parser.
Previously, the scanner introduced some COME_FROM entries in the
dissasembly output to mark all the destinations of jump instructions.
Using these COME_FROM labels the parser was then able to identify the
code structures (if tests, while loops, etc). Up to python-2.3 this was
possible because the code structures were clearly defined and jump
targets were always to the same points in a given strcuture making it
easy to identify the structure. Python 2.3 however introduced optimized
jumps to increase code performance. In the previous version of decompyle
(2.3) we used a technique to identify the code structures and then used
these structures to determine where the jump targets would have been if
not optimized. Using this information we then added COME_FROM labels at
the points where they would have been if not optimized, thus emulating
the way decompyle worked with versions before python 2.3. However with
the introduction of even more optimizations in python 2.4 this technique
no longer works. Not only the jump targets are no longer an effective
mean for the parser to identify the code structures, but also trying to
emulate the old way things were solved when it clearly no longer works
is not the right solution. To solve this issue, the code to identify the
structures that we had developed in version 2.3, was used to add real
start/end points for strcuture identification, instead of the COME_FROM
labels. Now these new start/end labels are used by the parser to more
precisely identify the structures and the COME_FROM labels were removed
completely. The scanner is responsible to identify these code structures
and use any knowledge of optimizations that python applies to determine
the start/end points of any structure and then mark them with certain
keywords that are understood by the parser.
- Correctly identify certain `while 1' structures that were not
recognized in the previous version.
- Added support for new byte code constructs used by python 2.4


2016-05-18 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/verify.py: Add 3.5 to verify

2016-05-18 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/test_load.py, pytest/testdata/if-2.7.right,
pytest/testdata/ifelse-2.7.right, uncompyle6/disas.py,
uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner25.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner33.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py, uncompyle6/scanners/tok.py,
uncompyle6/verify.py: pydisassemble improvements; DRY scannners disas.py: - disassembles *all* code objects found scanner*.py: - no longer need to pass in version numbers; this is obtained from the class name - no longer pass in opcodes; this is done at initialization from the scanner name - all Pythoin 3 scanners support native disassembly

2016-05-17 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/testdata/if-2.7.right, pytest/testdata/ifelse-2.7.right,
uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/disas.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py, uncompyle6/scanners/tok.py: Go
over disassembly routine... * tok.py: - add arg value when it is an integer * pydisassemble.py: - add option -U --uncomplyle for which flavor of disassembly - remove -o option * scanner27.py: - allow for native (non-uncompyle6) output

2016-05-17 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/test_marsh.py,
test/simple_source/expression/02_complex.py, uncompyle6/marsh.py:
Fix marshal bug in handling complex numbers

2016-05-17 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* Makefile, test/simple_source/def/09_class_closure.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Fix Python 3.x bugs * class definitions made via closures * Add "make check-short" to top-level * parse3.py: Python 3.3 uses STORE_LOGALS

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/marsh.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py: Fix a number of small bugs... test_peynv.py: make Python3 compatible marsh.py: remove duplicate
test scanner3.py: fix opcode typo

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Fix Python 3.x bug in function VAR
and KW args

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : Readd some 3.x loop tests

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* pytest/test_fjt.py: pytest for last commit

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Correct bugs in Python 3.2 source

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* Makefile: Travis can't handle pytest on Python 3.5

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md, Makefile, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/scanner.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py: Python 2 loop scanner detection in
Python 3 scanner*.py: Make scanner27 and scanner3 more aligned Makefile: we
can run py.test on Python 3.5 HISTORY.md: grammar changes

2016-05-16 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md, uncompyle6/main.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/verify.py: Misc small
changes Go over history yet again code cleanups.

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python3 mklambda bug

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/08_genexpr.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3 genexpr bug

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md: Correct info on parser

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Bug in Python 3.x genexpr

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/05_lambda.py,
test/test_pyenvlib.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Fix bug in Python 3 lambda expression handling Some other small cleanup changes

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/disas.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py, uncompyle6/scanners/tok.py:
pydisassemble disassemble without grammar mangling Some other small cleanups as well

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Fix verify bug
in 3.2

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/12_if_while_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: 3.4 if/while bug

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml: force Travis 2.7.11 for Python 2.7

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/ok_lib2.7/aifc.py, test/ok_lib2.7/antigravity.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/anydbm.py, test/ok_lib2.7/asynchat.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/atexit.py, test/ok_lib2.7/audiodev.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/base64.py, test/ok_lib2.7/binhex.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/bisect.py, test/ok_lib2.7/calendar.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/cgitb.py, test/ok_lib2.7/chunk.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/codeop.py, test/ok_lib2.7/colorsys.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/commands.py, test/ok_lib2.7/compileall.py,
test/ok_lib2.7/dircache.py, test/ok_lib2.7/dis.py,
test/test_pyenvlib.py: Add more Python 2.7 verify tests

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Fix bug in kvlist handling on
Python 2.7 Created from previous DRY code in Python 3

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
DRY scanner34 and scanner35 handle 3.0..3.4 build maps as key/value pairs

2016-05-15 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/dis3.py: Optimize Python 2/3 code2num

2016-05-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, uncompyle6/scanners/dis3.py: Python2 comptability
in using Python 3 disassembly Also fixes ablility to run bytecode 3.5 tests from 2.x now For Python 2 reading python3 bytstrings, we need to make sure we
confer the character to a number.

2016-05-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/scanners/dis3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/dis35.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py: Start to DRY Python 3.4 and 3.5

2016-05-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, requirements.txt, setup.py: See if travis will
take spark 1.2.1

2016-05-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/bin/uncompile.py: Fix
names for <program> -V

2016-05-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/version.py: Fix botched
entry point names Get ready for relase 2.3.6

2016-05-14 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, NEWS, uncompyle6/version.py: Get ready for release

2016-05-13 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: More fragment bugs

2016-05-13 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* MANIFEST.in, Makefile, __pkginfo__.py, setup.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py: More packaging crap. Did I tell you how much I hate python packaging? fragments.py: track recent change in class decorators.

2016-05-13 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, bin/pydisassemble, bin/uncompyle6, setup.py,
test/simple_source/def/03_star_arg.py, uncompyle6/bin/__init__.py,
uncompyle6/bin/pydisassemble.py, uncompyle6/bin/uncompile.py: Python
packaging - yet again. Did I ever mention how much Python sucks at packaging?

2016-05-13 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/10_classdec.py: Test for class decorator See https://github.com/rocky/python-uncompyle6/pull/15

2016-05-13 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 15 from Tey/master Fix for class decorators

2016-05-12 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py: Back off spark 1.2.0 for now

2016-05-12 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py:
More small changes

2016-05-12 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/test_pythonlib.py: Clean up test byte-compile directory

2016-05-12 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/15_for_if.py, uncompyle6/main.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py: Misc
changes Back off of some validation tests for now.

2016-05-12 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Misc fixups/cleanups * parse3.py Had botched if-for-else test by grammar addition * semantics/*.py: Show errorstack in failed parse when -g (requires
sparck 1.2.0) * some optimization in scanner3

2016-05-12 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 14 from rocky/make-function-rewrite Make function rewrite

2016-05-11 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/03_py3_def.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/dis35.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Redo make_function for *, arg main(*, file='foo') and things like that now work

2016-05-11 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/dis35.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: WIP Make function redo

2016-05-10 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: add
pos_arg ::= expr to make params of fns clear

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: * call WIP

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/11_classbug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: 3.2 class bug

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/09_if_whiletrue_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: 3.2 WhileTrue grammar bug

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/09_whiletrue_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Python 3 "while True" bug

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

contribution via Dan

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md: Another history tweak

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md, uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py: Some
grammar cleanup

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/05_closure_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Track recent lc changes in
fragment semantics

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/07_closure_bug2.py: Another closure
wrapping bug

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/05_closure_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Another Python 3 closure grammar bug

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md: More small history tweaks

2016-05-09 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/11-list-if.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Fix
Python 3 list comprehansion closure bug

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/operation_logic/05_dup_top_two.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/11_if_while_bug.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: DRY parse{2,3} code Add test for last bug.

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Fix
another if/loop parse bug

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md, uncompyle6/main.py: Go over history yet again.

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/10-list-ifnot.py,
uncompyle6/main.py, uncompyle6/parser.py: come_from_opt handles
and/or precidence properly main.py: give a better error message when file is not found.

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Semantic routine nonterminal typo

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/11_for_if_loopback2.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Yet another
Python 3.x COME_FROM grammar problem

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/looping/10_for_if_loopback.py,
uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner32.py: Fix
3.2 for/if loopback bug problem was handling in Python 3.2 for ... if ... else: .... jump for come from if jump for In later Python 3's a "come from" is removed. Also, start to DRY parser{,2,3} grammar rules.

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* HISTORY.md, test/simple_source/branching/10_if_pass.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner26.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py:
Fix 3.5 if..pass bug Update HISTORY.MD to include Dan Pascu. Some minor doc corrections

2016-05-08 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py: DRY scanner 3.{4,5} code

2016-05-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/07_classparam.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3 build class parsing

2016-05-07 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/expression/05_yield_from.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
Handle Python 3 yield from Start dealing with MAKE_FUNCTION flags - not done yet.

2016-05-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/comprehension/10-genexpr.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: More Python3 deparsing - grammar rule genexpr - More Python3 docstring formatted

2016-05-06 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* bin/pydisassemble, setup.py: Administrivia setup.py: don't need to import pkg_resources pydisassemble: give an error is no file or directory is given usage should go to stderr, not stdout

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Minor tweaks

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: All Python 2.7 lib files

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/05_try_finally_pass.py,
uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_27.py, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: More
Python 2 and 3 deparsing bugs fixed * while + if break * try + finall /pass

2016-05-05 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* __pkginfo__.py: Again, not GPL3 but MIT

2016-05-05 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* uncompyle6/__init__.py, uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_27.py: Start
PYPY 2.7 tolerance

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, NEWS, uncompyle6/version.py: Get ready for release

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml: Remove pypy3 add python 3.2 testing Reorder list for testing preference

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml: Remove pypy

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* Makefile, test/Makefile, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Fix up
3.2 tests Remove pypy

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml: Try pypy and pypy3

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/def/05_abc_class.py,
test/simple_source/def/06_classbug.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py:
Python 3.5 abc.py bug distilled

2016-05-05 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/dis35.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py:
Add cross-Python-protable 3.5 dis module

2016-05-04 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/simple_source/stmts/05_with.py,
uncompyle6/opcodes/opcode_35.py, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py:
Handle 3.5 with [as] scanner35.py: Fix a small variable-name typo

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : One more test

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner3.py,
uncompyle6/scanners/scanner34.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py:
Don't repeat next_except_jump

2016-05-03 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* __pkginfo__.py, requirements.txt: Wrong package name

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, requirements.txt, setup.py: More package

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanner.py: Remove one more old-style Python class

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/scanners/scanner27.py: DRY Python 2.7 scanner more

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* MANIFEST.in: Include LICENSE in package

2016-05-03 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, NEWS, uncompyle6/version.py: Get ready for release

2016-05-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst: Be more explicit that we need Python 2.6 or later

2016-05-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* : commit feec241da88107b97bbdfbabeb3ae7131a7aa923 Author: rocky
<rockygnu.org> Date: Mon May 2 21:20:17 2016 -0400

2016-05-02 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* README.rst: Note relation to other uncompyle forks Add some other minor corrections and additions as well.

2016-05-02 rocky <rbdustyfeet.com>

* uncompyle6/__init__.py: Trivial spacing change

2016-05-02 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, NEWS, __pkginfo__.py, bin/pydisassemble,
bin/uncompyle6, setup.py, uncompyle6/__init__.py,
uncompyle6/version.py: Add -V | --version and simplfy changing it

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/__init__.py: Expose uncompyle_file

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Bug

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, test/simple_source/expression/05_const_map.py: Add
test for last fix. Drop 2.5 test until we figure out what's wrong

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/scanners/scanner35.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Bug in 3.5 constant map parsing

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/__init__.py: Export module load and fns load_file,

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* __pkginfo__.py, setup.py, uncompyle6/marsh.py: License is MIT marsh.py: remove unused import

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Forgot to define Python3ParserSingle

2016-05-01 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parser.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Start to DRY Python2 and Python3
grammars Separate out 3.2, and 3.5+ specific grammar code

2016-04-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* ChangeLog, NEWS, README.rst, __pkginfo__.py: Get ready for release

2016-04-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/astnode.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Python 3.0..3.2 bug in
LOAD_FAST/STORE_LOCAL LOAD_FAST '__locals__' STORE_LOCALS '' Also have to adjust doc constants for this crap astnode.py: minor format change

2016-04-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* test/Makefile, test/simple_source/def/06_classbug.py,
test/test_pythonlib.py: Test optimized Python code and Python 3.2

2016-04-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Pevious commit grammar change is
Python 3.5 and up

2016-04-30 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py: Python 3.5 if statments decompyle Sometimes it doesn't need JUMP_FORWARD _come_from _come_from For example: def handle2(module): if module == 'foo': try: module = 1 except ImportError as exc: module = exc return module And: if __name__: for i in (1, 2): x = 3

2016-04-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* requirements.txt, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py, uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py:
spark -> spark_parser

2016-04-28 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* uncompyle6/parsers/spark.py: Really remove spark - Use external
package instead

2016-04-27 R. Bernstein <rockyusers.noreply.github.com>

* : Merge pull request 8 from rocky/external-spark External spark

2016-04-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .travis.yml, circle.yml: Note dependencies on spark

2016-04-27 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* .gitignore, README.rst, requirements.txt, uncompyle6/parser.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/astnode.py, uncompyle6/parsers/parse2.py,
uncompyle6/parsers/parse3.py, uncompyle6/semantics/fragments.py,
uncompyle6/semantics/pysource.py: Use external spark now.

2016-04-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* circle.yml: Back to 2.7.8

2016-04-20 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* circle.yml: Try python 2.7.10

2016-04-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>

* README.rst: Remove link to Mysterie uncompyle2 per request

2016-04-19 rocky <rockygnu.org>


- tidied up copyright and changelog information for releases 2.3 and later


- implemented a structure detection technique that fixes problems with
optimised jumps in Python >= 2.3. In the previous release (decompyle 2.3),
these problems meant that some files were incorrectly decompiled and
others could not be decompiled at all. With this new structure detection
technique, thorough testing over the standard python libraries suggests
that decompyle 2.3.1 can handle everything that decompyle 2.2beta1 could,
plus new Python 2.3 bytecodes and constructs.

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