Changed - `get_list_of_depth_caches()` is deprecated, use `get_list_of_depthcaches()` instead! From now on, only active DepthCaches are returned! - `stop_depthcache()` removes asks and bids, but the rest of the DepthCache remains.
Changed - Holding the thread lock is now in the more abstract functions. Fixed - 'Uncontrolling growth of elements in lists of asks and bids in Depth Cache Manager' [issue45]( Thanks to [chubatrik]( for finding and reporting it! - 'error' and 'result' messages are now processed separately with corresponding log levels. - In `_get_book_side()` only the thread lock of 'bid' was used by mistake, also for 'asks'. This has now been corrected. - 'stop_depth_cache returns "error_msg: stream_id is missing!"' [issue46](
Added - Counting restarts and logging last restart time in `ubldc.dc_streams`.
Added - Support of `auto_data_cleanup_stopped_streams` - Passthrough to UBWA.