- Support for Python 3.11 and 3.12
- Integration of the `lucit-licensing-python` library for verifying the UNICORN Binance Suite license. A license can be
purchased in the LUCIT Online Shop:
- License change from MIT to LSOSL - LUCIT Synergetic Open Source License:
- Conversion to a C++ compiled Cython package with precompiled as well as PyPy and source code wheels.
- Setup of a "Trusted Publisher" deployment chain. The source code is transparently packaged into wheels directly from
the GitHub repository by a GitHub action for all possible platforms and published directly as a new release on GitHub
and PyPi. A second process from Conda-Forge then uploads it to Anaconda. Thus, the entire deployment process is
transparent and the user can be sure that the compilation of a version fully corresponds to the source code.
- `manager.stop_manager()`
- Support for `with`-context