This is the first release of undist, which includes support for different execution backends such as Ray, MPI, Dask, Python Multiprocessing, as well as a sequential Python backend for debugging. This release contains significant changes and upgrades to codebase, unidist's documentation, and some bugfixes.
Key Features and Updates
* Initial changes
* initial commit [e9711d488f575b3ce09d9ef449f5b5b431b8bd6f](
* Stability and bugfixes
* FIX-13: Add busy wait mpi recv to remove unidist.get contention problem
* TEST-20: Add linters CI (19)
* FEAT-4: Add configs for unidist behavior tuning (21)
* FEAT-38: Add configs for Dask cluster setup (39)
* FIX-45: Add What do these changes do section in PRs description (46)
* FIX-29: Throw a user-friendly error message in case pickle5 is not installed (31)
* FIX-25: Throw a user-friendly error message in case mpi4py is not installed (32)
* FEAT-47: Add BackendName namespace class to use instead of strings (48)
* FIX-49: Add check on entry in Parameter.choices (50)
* FIX-51: Use lower-case for str TypeDescriptor (52)
* FEAT-2: Add CLI interface for unidist (14)
* FIX-58: Add exit status when run from CLI (59)
* FEAT-62: Add ValueSource enum to check source of value in `Parameter` (63)
* FIX-60: Align default value of REDIS_PASSWORD with Ray (61)
* TEST-24: Add tests run to CI (56)
* FIX-71: Fix for detecting compatible types for out-of-band serialization (74)
* FEAT-96: Add python-versioneer to get exact unidist version (105)
* FIX-109: Fix test_get_ip for Ray backend (110)
* FIX-104: Add testing py3.9 in CI (112)
* FIX-118: Choose dependencies for pip install unidist[all] based on platform (119)
* FIX-79: Update copyright 2021 to 2021-2022 (80)
* Performance enhancements
* FIX-36: Use data serialization caches to improve performance for MPI backend (53)
* Refactor Codebase
* FIX-16: Apply black to all project (17)
* FIX-97: Remove readme file for MPI backend (98)
* Dependencies
* FIX-22: Add dependencies for development and packaging (23)
* DOCS-7: Add deps for building docs (28)
* FIX-33: Add black and flake8 to env files (34)
* FIX-40: Get rid of pandas dependency for Ray backend (42)
* FIX-43: Add mpi4py to pip distribution dependencies (44)
* FIX-41: Remove Pandas package reference (57)
* FIX-67: Replace mpi4py to mpi4py-mpich in pip dependencies (68)
* FIX-99: Upgrade min python version (103)
* FIX-121: Downgrade min supported python version to 3.7.1 (123)
* Documentation improvements
* DOCS-5: Add a contributing page for unidist (82)
* DOCS-73: Add documentation page on CLI usage (83)
* DOCS-37: Add rst documentation for unidist.config (78)
* DOCS-6: Update and extend (87)
* FIX-91: Add readthedocs config file (92)
* DOCS-81: Update High-Level Execution View section (90)
* FIX-94: Change docs copyright statement to Modin Authors (95)
* DOCS-88: Update main/getting_started pages of rst docs (93)
* FEAT-54 Add unidist main logo image (108)
* FIX-111: Fix build warning for communication module (113)
* FIX-114: Change readthedocs icon format (115)
* FIX-116: Add PyPI badge on (117)
* FIX-120: Change unidist logo path to absolute (122)
YarShev, prutskov, no-ponomarev