- shortened several property names based on Code Inspector feedback - refactored several code sections based on Code Inspector feedback
- added list_device_states() function/method, as suggested by hoerter - implemented fix to prevent cURL from sending an `Expect: 100-continue` header with each POST request - implemented a callback function with the CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION option to process the response headers after each request and extract the Cookie contents - general cleanup
- fixed a bug that was introduced with 1.1.67 and would occur in certain corner cases - 1.1.67 should therefore not be used in production
fixed a bug where the request headers for subsequent function calls within the same Client instance would not always be cleared
- simplified code based on Scrutinizer reports
- applied minor improvements based on Scrutinizer reports - applied minor changes to `authorize_guest()` to further improve the handling of 0/null/empty values passed - restricted protocols to be used by cURL to only allow HTTP and HTTPS for improved security - added methods/functions `list_device_name_mappings()` and `stat_full_status()`