* build: Added setuptools-scm package ([`7c2a914`](
* build: Updated the dependencies ([`0608158`](
* build: Deleted pytest.ini
Deleted pytest.ini, the config was moved to pyproject.toml ([`88874c5`](
* ci: replaced semantic-release version from 8.0.x to 8.0.8 ([`329dafe`](
* ci: Added permisions to semantic-release action ([`ef15984`](
* ci: Changed tests action trigger
Trigger tests action on pull requests into main branch ([`ebf3b66`](
* ci: Updated semantic_release config ([`0e92f50`](
* ci: Added tag_commit option ([`a6276b9`](
* feat: Add coveralls action ([`48f6883`](
* feat: Added xml coverage report when testing ([`33a43e2`](
* feat: Added exception for error when removing a member ([`b14b2c1`](
* feat: Added schema for PATCH request to Update Workspace ([`0362849`](
* feat: Added query params to GET Group request
Added query param include, to get policies and/or members of the groups, when calling GET Group request ([`ac5b739`](
* feat: Added the enpoints to get all possible permissions
Created route endpoints and actions for getting Groups and Workspace
permissions list
Closes 50 ([`738f59b`](
* feat: Included Group open_router
Added open_router from Group routes to the app ([`ac70686`](
* feat: Added enpoint to get list of all accounts ([`e42a3e4`](
* fix: Fixed build command for semantic-release ([`1f14bab`](
* fix: Fixed repo name of semantic-release action ([`85fa9b1`](
* fix: Changed coverage file format to lcov ([`1f5a8bf`](
* fix: Added path to coverage file ([`bb2da33`](
* fix: Fixed issue with mypy
Fixed issue with mypy not parsing BaseSettings type ([`d540f7f`](
* fix: Fixed issue with setuptools-scm ([`1a63883`](
* fix: [BUG]: Functions return hashed passwords 52 ([`89f98ef`](
* fix: Fixed issue with WorkspacePermissions ([`35b0e0a`](
* fix: Removed group field from Group Schema ([`873c048`](
* fix: Fixed bug when returning output of update policy ([`af13f6f`](
* fix: Fixed error when removing members ([`2a20596`](
* refactor: Deleted empty models directory ([`88913a0`](
* refactor: Moved from model to src ([`7244b4a`](
* refactor: Removed empty fields from response schema ([`bb893cd`](
* refactor: Changed description max length to 1000 ([`b82dbc2`](
* refactor: Changed few test according to default permissions ([`32d513e`](
* refactor: Tested Workspace and Group actions, minor fixes ([`eec6c74`](
* refactor: Renamed get_all_group_policies action
Renamed get_all_group_policies action to get_group_policies ([`4dc2b3c`](
* refactor: Renamed get_all_group_policies action
Renamed get_all_group_policies action to get_group_policies ([`4f65216`](
* refactor: Renamed get_all_group_policies action
Renamed get_all_group_policies action to get_group_policies ([`8ff77f1`](
* refactor: Moved action to get all permissions
Moved action to get all permissions to a separate action file, so
getting list of permissions does not require a permission ([`5d24b40`](
* refactor: Changed default permissions for new policies ([`2436c4d`](
* style: Code cleanup and reorganization ([`1c1ee52`](
* style: Ignore typing ([`d262c3b`](
* style: Cleanup, renamed few variables ([`3bdec3f`](
* style: Updated route description
Expanded GET workspace request descriptions, renamed Workspace_resources to query_params ([`d381846`](
* Update
Added coverage badge ([`8d85ad4`](
* Merge pull request 54 from unipoll/development
Development ([`b134f05`](
* revert: Replaced file argument to path-to-lcov ([`a603c1d`](
* Merge pull request 49 from unipoll/front-end
Updates for Front End ([`d45e8fc`](