- Add support for UNWRAP_WETH encoding (close ticket 7) - Add v2_swap_exact_in_from_balance() and v3_swap_exact_in_from_balance(): 2 convenient methods which are used when the exact in_amount is not known when the transaction is built, typically chained after a V*_SWAP_EXACT_IN.
- Breaking changes because of refactoring - Command chaining extension: all supported UR functions can now be chained in a single transaction
Fix issue 1 - v3 path decoding fails for paths starting with 0
- Add support for encoding V2_SWAP_EXACT_OUT - Add support for encoding V3_SWAP_EXACT_OUT - Fix V3_SWAP_EXACT_OUT ABI - Fix typos in README
- Breaking changes: use Web3.py v6 i/o v5 - Add support for the PERMIT2_PERMIT function - Add support for chaining PERMIT2_PERMIT and V2_SWAP_EXACT_IN in the same transaction
Backport fix 35 - SDK fails to decode input data when there is too many commands