* Added `entry.save` which creates a unitpackage, i.e., a CSV file and a JSON file, in the directory `outdir`.
* Added `collection.save_entries` saves the entries of this collection using `entry.save`.
* Added `Collection.from_local`, creating a collection from local datapackages.
* Added `Collection.from_remote`, creating a collection from remote datapackages collected from a url containing a ZIP.
* Added `Entry.from_local`, loading an entry from a local datapackage.
* Added `Entry.from_csv`, creating an entry from a CSV and optionally allows adding metadata to the entry and modifying the field properties.
* Added `Entry.from_df`, creating an entry from a pandas dataframe and optionally allows adding metadata to the entry and modifying the field properties.
* Changed default url to collect datapackages to assets in https://github.com/echemdb/electrochemistry-data/releases.
* Changed loading echemdb data, using `Collection.from_remote()` instead of `Collection()`.
* Changed `Entry.create_examples` to load pre-defined datapackages instead of generating datapackges from SVGs with the `svgdigitizer`.
* Removed `svgdigitizer` as dependency used in automated tests.
* Removed `Entry._digitize_example`, used to create datapackages for automated test.
* Fixed the description of the project in the `setup.py`.