c1b8832d Adding SourceLink properties and NuGet package (538)
dda6a627 Adding units for coefficient of thermal expansion (543)
b7fcf4b2 Adding KiloLiters and PoundsPerMinute (533)
29cbadfd Making Obsolete attribute message consistent across scripts (544)
28f09891 Fix for explicit AbbreviationsWithPrefixes not lining up with the pre… (542)
157b288a Fixing nasty bug in GetHashCode where two quantities with the same nu… (541)
0f4769d1 Adding dyn/cm² and lbm/(in·s²) units for pressure (534)
db10372c Adding support for micro/milli newtons, as well as ounce force (535)
2a2730cd Merge pull request 513 from McNeight/Slug
5cf5dd2b Updated conversion constants in test cases from 482