Changed the repo name to UnityNeuroscience, short for "Unity Renderer for Neuroscience". The Python package is now published as `unityneuro` on pip. Install it with `pip install unityneuro`
- Fixed some poor design on the server which was echoing data back to the Python client unnecessarily
- Decreased min FoV
- Added one-sided volume controls
- Added documentation site
- Added more precise Clear() calls
- Added volume rendering
- Added background white/black option
- unityneuro package now automatically opens the web app page on setup()
- Added options for localhost and standalone setup
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the Clear() command from functioning
- Fixed a bug preventing the minicontroller from making it into WebGL builds
- 0.3.1 attempted to fix controls not working well at low framerates by adding shift/ctrl to speed up and slow down movements
- 0.3.1 python package published
- 0.3.2 added grid (press [G])
- 0.3.2 added axes (press [A])
- 0.3.2 added camera rotation control through api
- 0.3.2 added camera position control through api
- 0.3.2 adding camera targeting to brain areas (fixed major bug with one-sided 3d models where extra vertices were present)
- 0.3.2 added default area loading