- Added method helper_totals_from_range, - Added __str__ method to Coord and Range to write code faster without .string()
- Added dispatcher and create service methods. - Added possibility to link images to document. - Image width and height are now in cm units. - Added method addCellNames() for ranged names. - Improving freezeAndSelect with None values. - Added range column and number copy additions.
- Replaced server.sh by `unogenerator_start` and `unogenerator_stop` - Added helper_list_of_dict and helper_list_of_ordereddict methods - Changed vertical alignment to center in all personal styles - Removed Gentoo confd initd files. Moved to unogenerator_daemon in myportage
- server.sh now launches n instances - Code works with concurrency. Added method to change to next_port - Added .conf and init.d for Gentoo - Date and times formats are showed correctly in Calc - Helpers added
- Added init.d daemon to launch server - Improving helpers and ods methods