* CLI: drag-and-drop multiple files onto the executable to encode them into a VIV archive * CLI: drag-and-drop a VIV/BIG archive onto the executable to decode it * Decoder: skips invalid files instead of erroring out
* unvivtool: add Windows 98 compatibility * Python: native print
+ De/Encoder: fully support non-printable filenames in archive (represent as Base16/hexadecimal) + De/Encoder: set fixed directory entry length + CLI: decoder optionally writes re-encode command to _path/to/input.viv.txt_ + Format: support _BIGH_ + Format: support _BIG4_ (experimental)
* support up to 214748363 files in archive
* support UTF8-filenames in BIGF archives (e.g., CJK) * improved decoder (better support for manipulated or "locked" archives) * improved usability: on Windows, drag-and-drop archives on executable for easy decoding * improved stability