* Dropped support for Python 3.6 and 3.7.
* Added support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.
* Fix an issue where SI prefixes of the ``degC`` units would give incorrect
values in conversions. See `PR 176
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/176>`_. Thank you to Lee Johnston
(l-johnston on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue when using ``matplotlib_support``, plot an empty unyt array,
would result in an error when changing units. See `PR 180
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/180>`_. Thank you to Josh Borrow
(JBorrow on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where units would be printed twice in formatted strings with
an ``unyt_array`` embedded. See `PR 188
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/188>`_. Thank you to Clément Robert
(neutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add a method to parse a ``unyt_quantity`` from a string expression. See `PR 191
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/191>`_. Thank you to Clément Robert
(neutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where a ``unyt_array`` with dtype int8 could not be converted
to a different unit. See `PR 197
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/197>`_. Thank you to Clément Robert
(neutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* The import time for ``unyt`` has been reduced. See `PR 199
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/199>`_. Thank you to Clément Robert
(neutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where taking an ``unyt_array`` or ``unyt_quantity`` to a zero
power would retain the units of the original array or quantity instead of
converting to a dimensionless array. See `PR 204
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/204>`_. Thank you to Josh Borrow
(JBorrow on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add support for coercing iterables of ``unyt_array`` objects with nonuniform
dimensionally equivalent units to a single ``unyt_array``. See `PR 211
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/211>`_. Thank you to Nathan Goldbaum
(ngoldbaum on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add the civil engineering units ``pli``, ``plf``, ``psf``, ``kli``, ``klf``,
and ``ksf``. See `PR 217 <https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/217>`_.
Thank you to osnippet on GitHub for the contribution.
* Fix typos in constants and unit prefixes. See `PR 218
<https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/218>`_. Thank you to Clément Robert
(neutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where multiplying a 1-element ``unyt_array`` would return a
``unyt_quantity``. See `PR 225 <https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/225>`_.
Thank you to Clément Robert (neutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add the Rydberg constant ``R_∞`` and unit ``Ry``, add the dimension
``angular_frequency`` and the unit ``rpm``, and increase the precision of
Avogadro's number. See `PR 228 <https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/228>`_.
* Fix an issue where ``np.divide.reduce`` would return incorrect units for ``unyt_array``
instances. See `PR 230 <https://github.com/yt-project/unyt/pull/230>`_.
Thank you to Kyle Oman (kyleaoman on GitHub) for the contribution.