- Decorators for convenient registration of custom serialization.
(``uplink.dumps``) and deserialization (``uplink.loads``) strategies.
- Support for setting nested JSON fields with ``uplink.Field`` and
- Optional ``args`` parameter to HTTP method decorators (e.g., ``uplink.get``)
for another Python 2.7-compatible alternative to annotating consumer method
arguments with function annotations.
- Decorator ``uplink.returns.json`` for converting HTTP response bodies into
JSON objects or custom Python objects.
- Support for converting collections (e.g., converting a response body into a
list of users).
- Leveraging built-in converters (such as ``uplink.converters.MarshmallowConverter``)
no longer requires providing the converter when instantiating an
``uplink.Consumer`` subclass, as these converters are now implicitly included.
- ``uplink.response_handler`` and ``uplink.error_handler`` properly
adopts the name and docstring of the wrapped function.