* added AUTHORS.md, CONTRIBUTING.md (from cookiecutter, converted to md
from rst)
* added docs, adjusting for markdown and sphinx_rtd_theme; enabled Napo
* added requirements_dev.txt, the dev requirements for a virtualenv;
included m2r, sphinx_rtd_theme, and
* added Makefile (generated by cookiecutter)
* added MANIFEST.in, with some changes for md
* added setup.cfg, setup.py (customized for markdown), and tox.ini
* added urdubiometer directory with cli.py, \__init__.py, and
urdubiometer.py (cookiecutter)
* added tests/test_urdubiometer.py (cookiecutter)
* generated module documentation using Sphinx
* updated README.md based off cookiecutter
* updated .gitignore
* adjusted .travis.yml (may need some work)