* When ``ca_certs`` is given, ``cert_reqs`` defaults to
``'CERT_REQUIRED'``. (Issue 650)
* ``pip install urllib3[secure]`` will install Certifi and
PyOpenSSL as dependencies. (Issue 678)
* Made ``HTTPHeaderDict`` usable as a ``headers`` input value
(Issues 632, 679)
* Added `urllib3.contrib.appengine <https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contrib.html#google-app-engine>`_
which has an ``AppEngineManager`` for using ``URLFetch`` in a
Google AppEngine environment. (Issue 664)
* Dev: Added test suite for AppEngine. (Issue 631)
* Fix performance regression when using PyOpenSSL. (Issue 626)
* Passing incorrect scheme (e.g. ``foo://``) will raise
``ValueError`` instead of ``AssertionError`` (backwards
compatible for now, but please migrate). (Issue 640)
* Fix pools not getting replenished when an error occurs during a
request using ``release_conn=False``. (Issue 644)
* Fix pool-default headers not applying for url-encoded requests
like GET. (Issue 657)
* log.warning in Python 3 when headers are skipped due to parsing
errors. (Issue 642)
* Close and discard connections if an error occurs during read.
(Issue 660)
* Fix host parsing for IPv6 proxies. (Issue 668)
* Separate warning type SubjectAltNameWarning, now issued once
per host. (Issue 671)
* Fix ``httplib.IncompleteRead`` not getting converted to
``ProtocolError`` when using ``HTTPResponse.stream()``
(Issue 674)