* Fixes case insensitive handling for stdlib modules like cProfile (37) * Added timing metrics for walking file trees, parsing files, and sorting (35) * Added a maintainer's guide (36) * Documentation fixes
shell-session $ git shortlog -sn 34 Tim Hatch 28 Amethyst Reese 2 Facebook Community Bot
* Improved detection of shadowed imports (24) * Normalizes to one blank line between categories (22) * Ensure case-insensitive sorting order (19) * Fixed import sorting outside of global scope (15) * Added support for formatting stdin with `usort format -` (12) * Moved diff/check functionality into separate `diff` and `check` commands (12) * Replaced `usort format --show-time` with `usort --benchmark` framework (12) * Added custom section names (13) * Includes sphinx docs (7) * Corrects missing `toml` dep (11)
* Automatic finding of first-party dirs * Skip entries marked ` usort:skip` or `isort:skip` * Uses `.with_changes` on the libcst module object