New Features
* Add name keyword argument to `loop.create_task()`
(by fantix in d51ce367 for 309)
* Add typing support
(by bryanforbes in 9426e2b1, for 358)
Bug Fixes
* SSL: many improvements
(by fantix in 6476aad6, 8beacd26, 98e113ee, ae44ec2d, asvetlov in 9bc4a204)
* Fix `KeyboardInterrupt` handling logic
(by 1st1 in c32c7039 for 295, jack1142 in 8c471f82 for 337)
* Python 3.8/3.9 compatibility fixes, drop support for 3.5/3.6
(by jack1142 in 28702195 for 314, achimnol in 0d14ec64 for 328, aeros in 6ef69a79 for 349, shadchin in 1fd90665, fantix in 465717fd, 200e1404, afc3ee8f, cdd2218f, b7048b94)
* UDP: multiple bug fixes
(by fantix in 1d9267af for 319, 9e017e6e for 304, 506a2aa1)
* Pipe: a critical crash fix that affects subprocess, pipe and socketpair
(by fantix in 5d41af80 and tardyp in c3929720 for 311 312 317)
* Restore context on protocol callbacks
(by versusvoid in 7b202ccf for 305, fantix in f691212b)
* Subprocess: stdio bug fixes
(by fantix in 8cdb3002 for 136, lovasoa in 68db1a23 for 363)
* Sock: fix issue in `sock_connect()` for large concurrency
(by fantix in fe3d0281 for 378)
* Misc fixes about docs URL, test typo, and CI compatibility
(by asfaltboy in 38105305, felixonmars in fcb37350, fantix in 6596685a)
* Check Cython version semantically
(by YoSTEALTH in 5dc299b7)
* Add `.flake8` to distribution tarball
(by jlaine in e8eb5026 for 330)
* Switch to Github actions
(by elprans in 3be8967e, e21ceea0, fantix in 311997ed)
* Bump libuv to v1.40.0
(by fantix in 998c19ec)