! Dropped QA for Python 2.
! Runtime. '.environ' module is deprecated in favor of '.platform'.
! Stub updated with return values.
+ Django. Added uwsgiinit modules autodiscover for applications.
+ Django. Basic uWSGI information exposed via Admin contrib.
+ Runtime. Added postfork functions support.
+ Runtime. Added signals registry for introspection.
+ Runtime. Cache '.set()' now accepts 'timeout' argument.
+ Runtime. Mules module extended, including function offloading support.
* Django. Fixed uwsgify default config loading.
* Fixed 'is_stub' attribute binding to uwsgi/uwsgi_stub modules.
* Fixed argument 'expires' behaviour for 'caching.add_cache()' and renamed into 'no_expire'.
* Runtime. Cache. Fixed '.div()' behaviour.
* Runtime. Fixed 'environ.uwsgi_env.buffer_size' value.
* Runtime. Signals. Fixed Signal.send() for non-remotes.