What's Changed
* No longer install from the pyviz channel by maximlt in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/524
* Rename `lines.py` to `arcs.py` by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/540
* Improved Issue Templates for Bug Report & Feature Request by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/352
* Remove the Draft UXarray API document by erogluorhan in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/553
* Nearest Neighbor Remapping by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/439
* Construct Edge Face Connectivity & Separate `_build` and `_populate` Methods by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/519
* Maximum Latitude of a Great Circle Arc by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/535
* KDTree Data Structure for Center and Corner Nodes by aaronzedwick in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/518
New Contributors
* maximlt made their first contribution in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/524
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.10.1...v2023.11.0