
Latest version: v2024.11.1

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What's Changed
* No longer install from the pyviz channel by maximlt in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/524
* Rename `lines.py` to `arcs.py` by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/540
* Improved Issue Templates for Bug Report & Feature Request by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/352
* Remove the Draft UXarray API document by erogluorhan in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/553
* Nearest Neighbor Remapping by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/439
* Construct Edge Face Connectivity & Separate `_build` and `_populate` Methods by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/519
* Maximum Latitude of a Great Circle Arc by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/535
* KDTree Data Structure for Center and Corner Nodes by aaronzedwick in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/518

New Contributors
* maximlt made their first contribution in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/524

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.10.1...v2023.11.0


What's Changed
* Construct `Mesh2_face_x/y` using Cartesian Averaging by aaronzedwick in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/466
* Gca constant lat intersection by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/485
* FutureWarning for `Mesh2` Prefix Removal by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/495
* Point Rasterization by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/505
* Is pole point inside by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/510
* MPAS Reader Updates & Additional Coordinate Attributes by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/455

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.10.0...v2023.10.1


What's Changed
* Plot API Structure & `UxDataArray.plot.datashade` Method by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/438
* Bugs Fix for the `gca_gca_intersection` function by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/476
* Allow more general inputs in `ux.open_grid` by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/482
* Bump actions/setup-python from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/487
* Remove Announcement from Documentation by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/490

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.09.1...v2023.10.0


What's Changed
New Features
* Implement `Grid.to_linecollection()` by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/464
* Implement `UxDataArray.to_dataset()` by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/470
* Implement `UxDataArray.integrate()` and begin to deprecate current `UxDataset.integrate()` by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/459
* Calculate Intersection Point Between Two Great Circle Arcs by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/453

Bug Fixes
* Update Required Packages in GeoDataFrame Notebook by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/462
* Move `pyfma` import by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/468

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.09.0...v2023.09.1


What's Changed
* Exodus loading and units fix by rajeeja in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/373
* Fix Failing CI by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/419
* Add `Grid.build_node_face_connectivity` by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/299
* Visualization Usage Example with HoloViz & GeoDataFrame by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/428
* Contributions to PR 406 by erogluorhan in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/432
* Usage example fix - Relocate a note and fix small typos by erogluorhan in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/437
* BallTree Data Structure for Center and Corner Nodes by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/406
* Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/440

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.08.0...v2023.09.0


What's Changed
* Working with MPAS Grids Usage Example by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/250
* Fix typos by kjnam in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/364
* Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.6 to 1.8.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/361
* Fix CI failing after `nNodes_per_face` Fix by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/380
* Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.7 to 1.8.8 by dependabot in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/382
* Bump actions/setup-python from 4.6.1 to 4.7.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/381
* Fixing a bug found in gauss quadrature order 9 weights. by rajeeja in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/377
* Remove duplicate test - test_build_nNodes_per_face by rajeeja in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/383
* Numba JIT and Cache Attribute by aaronzedwick in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/371
* Fix Upstream CI by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/369
* Separate `kwargs` for Opening a Grid File in Open Dataset by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/390
* Rename numba.py by rajeeja in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/391
* Organize Helpers and Project Structure by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/370
* Data Structures & Helpers for Visualization by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/354
* Fix typo in user_api/uxarray_api.md by erogluorhan in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/403
* Point on GCA helper function by hongyuchen1030 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/357
* Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.8 to 1.8.10 by dependabot in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/405
* Add IO Modules to Internal Docs by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/401
* Fix Upstream CI by philipc2 in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/410

New Contributors
* kjnam made their first contribution in https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/pull/364

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/UXARRAY/uxarray/compare/v2023.06.0...v2023.08.0

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