- `code01_ctm.py`: 単一リンクでのCell Transmission Model
- `code02_vt.py`: 単一リンクでのVariational Theory
- `code03_uroborosx.py`: ネットワークでの交通流シミュレータUroborosX(Newellの単純追従モデル(Xモデル)+Lagrange型Incremental Node Model+慣性Dynamic User Optimum)
- `demo.ipynb`: 上記コードを実行した結果をJupyter Notebookにまとめたもの
- ディレクトリ`out`: `code03_uroborosx.py`の出力を格納するためのもの
This is the codes of traffic flow simulators included in the book "[Macroscopic Traffic Simulation: Fundamental Mathematical Theory and Python Implementation](https://www.coronasha.co.jp/np/isbn/9784339052794/)" (Author: [Toru Seo](https://toruseo.jp/), Publisher: [Corona Publishing Co., Ltd.](https://www.coronasha.co.jp/)).
- `code01_ctm.py`: Cell Transmission Model for a single link
- `code02_vt.py`: Variational Theory for a single link
- `code03_uroborosx.py`: Network traffic flow simulator UroborosX (Newell's simplified car-following model (X model) + Lagrange Incremental Node Model + Dynamic User Optimum with Inertia)
- `demo.ipynb`: A Jupyter Notebook compiling the results of running the above codes
- Directory `out`: For storing the output of `code03_uroborosx.py`