New Features
1. Added Terafly tiff3D loading.
2. For issue 2 , wheels for both windows and linux platforms are published to PyPI.
Terafly loading usage:
from v3dpy.terafly import TeraflyInterface
import numpy as np
t = TeraflyInterface('teraconvert_path')
x, y, z, c = t.get_dim()
center block
size = np.array(t.get_dim()[:3])
half_block_size = np.array([128, 128, 64]) // 2
start = size // 2 - half_block_size
end = size // 2 + half_block_size - 1
4D image, indexed by c, z, y, x
img = t.get_sub_volume(start[0], end[0], start[1], end[1], start[2], end[2])