- IG-12770 change false-condition condition on update expression
Not secure
IG-16745: grafana: in case query request is empty ignore it and return empty array
Not secure
- IG-11681: adding start to list of legal params for stream read - IG-13700: stream: renaming partition to partition_key in put execute - IG-14607: renaming default index column to 'idx' - new v3io-go - adding retry on ErrConnectionClose - tsdb 0.11.6
Not secure
- tsdb v0.11.5
Not secure
- IG-16745 ignore grafana empty search requests - IG-16807 making sure key passed in inferschema is valid - IG-16524 return empty frames if history folder doesn't exist - IG-16666 sort labels when creating tsdb frame - IG-16911: returning error in case field in grafana query is illegal - IG-17095 check client and server version match