This release incorporates numerous changes from a couple of forks on github, and
- A rewritten test suite allowing easier addition of new features.
Author: Kamil Grymuza (
- The init() method which initialized the VM based on the named base box.
Author: Kamil Grymuza (
- The halt() method which stops the VM without destroying it.
Author: Kamil Grymuza (
- Support for sandbox mode using the Sahara gem
Author: Kamil Grymuza (
- Support for box-related commands - box_add(), box_list(), box_remove() methods.
Author: Kamil Grymuza (
- Support for provisioning - up() accepts no_provision and there is the provision()
Author: Kamil Grymuza (
- Added auto download of official boxes in the init()
Author: Nithin Bose (
Additionally, support for Multi-VM environments has been added, along with
several other changes:
- `vagrant.Vagrant` and `vagrant.SandboxVagrant` methods which support multi-VM
environments through the `vm_name` parameter.
Author: Todd DeLuca (
- A new subclass, SandboxVagrant, for using the sandbox extensions from the
Sahara gem. Method names in SandboxVagrant were changed to conform to the
cli names of sandbox. E.g. sandbox_enable() was changed to sandbox_on().
This is in keeping with the goal of python-vagrant to stick closely to the
nomenclature of vagrant.
Author: Todd DeLuca (
- A rewritten `tests/` which removes a dependency on Fabric,
adds tests for multi-VM functionality, and moves some setup and teardown up
to the module level.
Author: Todd DeLuca (
- Vagrant and SandboxVagrant no longer invoke subprocesses with `shell=True`.
This way something like `vagrant ssh -c <command>` could be used without
worry about how to quote the command.
Author: Todd DeLuca (
- Configuration is now cached under the given vm_name, when relevant.
Author: Todd DeLuca (
- `status()` now returns multiple statuses when in a multi-VM environment.
Author: Todd DeLuca (
Please note that the changes to sandbox functionality are not
backwards-compatible with the kamilgrymuza fork, though updating the code to
use this project should be straightforward, should one want to do so.